Stand with Rand On a Responsible Budget

by ActRight Community in FreedomWorks Inc

Senator Rand Paul has taken a principled stance against the big spending forces in Washington and introduced a budget that puts America back on the track of fiscal sustainability.

The Rand Paul budget eliminates federal departments, overhauls the tax code, reforms entitlements, and actually cuts spending. It brings the nation’s checkbook into balance within 5 years and actually starts to pay back the debt!

Instead of kicking the can, the budget deals with the nation’s fiscal problems in the here and now.  

Tell your Senator to stand with the Rand Paul’s budget. We don’t need any more short-term measures. It’s time for a budget that takes power from the government and gives it back to the people.

Call your Senators now.


Defund Planned Parenthood

It's time to pull the plug on Planned Parenthood.As if taxpayer-subsidized abortions weren't bad enough, now the organization has launched a $1.4...

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