VoteForMarriageNC Billboard Money Bomb
Contribute to this Money Bomb today, double your donation, and bomb their inaccurate claims!

Money Raised
About VoteForMarriageNC Billboard Money Bomb
Dear Marriage Supporters,
On Tuesday we asked our supporters to help us raise $10,000 to replace stolen yard signs and vandalized billboards. Since then, we are pleased to announce that we have raised $4,394 of our $10,000 goal.
*We are pleased to announce that a kind donor will match dollar for dollar every donation attributed to our Money Bomb! Every gift you now give will have double the impact! That means double the number of signs and double the number of ad buys. Even if you have previously donated to this Money Bomb, in light of this information, will you please consider an additional gift?*
It was disgusting when activists sent us pictures of them stealing yard signs from churches andcovering them in cat feces. It was insulting when Pastors in Brunswick woke up to find their pro-marriage billboards vandalized and burned. It is now repulsive that while we try to correct those wrongs by simply replacing them, our opponents mock us. Just look at some of the things activists are saying about our attempts to replace vandalized billboards and stolen yard signs
They think our Billboard Money Bomb will not prove successful. They say our attempts are "bombing" and a "fail".
Today is the day to recognize the seriousness of the task at hand. We have 19 days left to win this battle. We need your help, partnership, and sacrificial gifts to preserve the institution of marriage. Contribute to this Money Bomb today, double your donation, and bomb their inaccurate claims!
Sincerely,Leonard O GoenagaGrassroots Director, Vote FOR Marriage NC