American immorality and contempt for liberty lie at the root of most of the political economic problems our nation faces.
The NYT is pushing a story that Hillary Clinton put herself at risk investigating school segregation in Alabama.
Just when we think all levels of absurdity have passed. Just when we think it's safe to assume something so ridiculous won't invade our culture. Just when we think we think, "Nothing can can get more outrageous than this", Bill de Blasio, the left wing, communist sympathizing mayor of New York City comes to the 'rescue.' In this case, it is the new guidelines detailing the legal | Read More
Some people just have no interest in their future credibility as long as it helps them win the election of the moment. As long as movement conservatives have railed at "the establishment" of being guilty of this sin, they now find themselves to be some of the biggest offenders. Here is just one example: over the weekend, South Carolina congressman and bane of Hillary Clinton's | Read More »
Trump leads the field in this demographic among the top five Republican candidates.
While Americans anxiously prepared for their Christmas festivities, anti gun proponents in Congress were hard at work drafting a new bill. If passed H.R. 4269 would literally redefine the Second Amendment as evidenced by the bill’s description, which in no uncertain terms clarifies its ultimate goal: “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.”
Surging Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz is laying out what would be the most aggressive first day in office every for a new president, starting with the elimination of every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by President Obama. In an epilogue to his father Rafael Cruz's upcoming autobiography, the Texas senator also said that he would rip up Obama's controversial deal with Iran, open an investigation into Planned Parenthood's abortion practice, end the IRS's persecution of religious liberty, and shift the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. All of that is on day one. It is an example of how quickly things can change, Cruz penned in his father's revealing personal story, A Time for Action, published by WND Books. The book's release date is January 5, but it is available on Amazon now.
Paul Ryan – The Bearded Boehner In mid-December Speaker Ryan passed a trillion dollar budget deal that was widely praised ...
Hot and bothered Muslim inmates in Michigan have sued Pamela Geller for her polka dot bikini. Pamela Geller shared this ...
A sheriff in Pinellas County, Florida has a warning for anyone willing to come near him with a gun, he’s threatening them with his own. The locally known anti-gun cop
What's invisible is invariably much more horrifying.
Want to know the latest global warming news? Don't bother looking in the U.S. media. It won't cover stories that contradict the man-made climate change narrative. But the truth is out there.
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DES MOINES - Ted Cruz has assembled an impressive presidential campaign structure in Iowa, veteran political observers here say, with one going so far as to describe Cruz's campaign as perhaps 'the most sophisticated' the first-in-the-nation caucus state has ever witnessed.
Bully proof windows, Troll safe doors… Watch the new episode “Safe Space” for free here: http://cart.mn/Safe-Space
For the Hillary Clinton campaign and her Mainstream Media cohorts it is a heartburn-inducing statistic that has actually been repeated over the course of the last several months and continues to be buried amidst the ongoing anti-Trump news cycle: Independent voters favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by double-digits. The latest Rasmussen polling data shows …
Why some lefties hate the likes of Maryam Namazie.
The painter of Bill Clinton's official presidential portrait just dropped some BIG news about a hidden message in the painting.
Obama is enjoying several rounds of golf during his annual multi-week Hawaii vacation this year. Remember when Barack Obama promised ...
This is definitely going to ruffle some feathers!
Americans are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
Excerpted from The Only Average Guy: Inside the Uncommon World of Rob Ford by John Filion. Out now from Random House Canada. Anger came easily to Rob Ford.

Guns and Racism

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Hatred of racism should be a major motivation for the gun control movement.
Anything to shut out unaffiliated voters could hurt Trump's presidential bid
Four Christians have been beaten up in Berlin, Germany's capital city, in the early hours of Saturday morning