A spokesperson for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive Monday for coronavirus following a meeting last week with members of the Texas Legislature who fled the state for Washington, D.C.
While the media talks about hundreds of mass shootings each year, the FBI reports a few dozen of what people really think of as mass shootings.
Republican senators are questioning President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management over a personal loan she accepted from a Montana developer.
Top government epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci and Sen. Rand Paul traded accusations of "lying" about gain-of-function research at a Tuesday Senate hearing, continuing the long-running feud between the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director and the Kentucky senator. 
Who’s getting paid – or paid off – by Big Tech? A new online tool reveals in real-time who’s getting paid Zuck bucks, Bezos billions, Google greenbacks, or reaching into @Jack’s deep...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insisted that her merchandising doesn't have anything to do with capitalism because it's not evil or something.
A consortium backed by George Soros and Bill Gates joined a buyout of a COVID-19 testing company, Mologic, ...
How many examples could one give to show what a sick world left-wing activists, the media and the Democrats — the left’s political party — have wrought? The number is equal to the nu...
Joe Biden's State Department has refused to comment on whether China would be sanctioned for hacking U.S. companies. During a press briefing on Monday, State Department Spokesman Ned Price refused to provide further details when questioned on the matter.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has pushed for young to children to wear face masks as school look to reopen nationwide. Earlier on Monday, the nation's chief medical advisor stood beside the American Academy of Pediatrics who recommended schools could require young children as young as three-years-old to mask up indoors, regardless of their vaccination states. 

Be Aware Of Performative Wokeness

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

What do you think the NFL cares more about? Pre-game music? Or non-guaranteed contracts for its majority-black workforce? 
Teachers' unions prevent low-income parents from having the same choices as well-to-do parents, which is the true systemic problem in our education system.
He's doing more than Biden is about the crisis.
Utility giant Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) told California officials that its equipment may be responsible for one of the large fires ongoing in the state.
The U.S. shouldn’t subsidize the outward flow of investment.
Democratic D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced in a letter Monday that she is directing local police to use overtime in order to address growing violence.
Democratic mayors in 20 of the nation’s 25 biggest cities slashed police department budgets and positions even as ...
Three St. Louis murder cases have been dismissed in the past week including one in which prosecutors missed a deadline to turn over evidence and failed to show up for
Democratic mayors in 20 of the nation’s 25 biggest cities slashed police department budgets and positions even as ...
Voters continue to admire the U.S. flag, with 82% saying that either pride or patriotism describes the sentiments they feel toward Old Glory, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Convention of States Action, in partnership with the polling firm The Trafalgar Group.
A Coptic Orthodox church in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, was burned to the ground on Monday morning in a suspicious fire.

Biden Backs Down

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The Department of Education scraps a plan to promote critical race theory in public schools.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., railed Monday against efforts to ban the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in schools, questioning why Republicans didn't want students to be taught "anti-racism."
The House Appropriations Committee FY22 funding bill includes $40 million for a program to pressure states into establishing “Red Flag” gun confiscation
Dr. Anthony Fauci has pushed for young to children to wear face masks as school look to reopen nationwide. Earlier on Monday, the nation's chief medical advisor stood beside the American Academy of Pediatrics who recommended schools could require young children as young as three-years-old to mask up indoors, regardless of their vaccination states. 