Mainstream and hyperpartisan news media significantly amplified Internet Research Agency messaging and contributed to that follower growth by unknowingly embedding its tweets in their content.
‘I don’t think he’s smart enough,’ Trump said of McConnell.

In Brief: The Panic Pandemic

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus.
How could our society be so callous to children? Do people know what it feels like to grow up in a relationally chaotic home?
Menders may be the president of the largest Republican women's club in Virginia, but she joined the fight against critical race theory as a parent.
It's easy to spot who scares the corporate media most. Just look at who they are piling on to destroy, and you’ll see who these outlets view as a threat.
Jennie Taer  Houston Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Daniel Comeaux says that the cartels operating south of the
The "silent majority" was mentioned by President Nixon in 1969, who labeled middle Americans who weren't protesting the Vietnam war or joining the counter
He drew back his public criticism of top Pennsylvania officials as a loud group of protesters approached the crowd. “Please don’t arrest or cancel me,” Pa attorney Marc Scaringi said.
"Another complaint involving the November and January elections, Daugherty v.Raffensperger, is expected to have its first hearing today"...
“I have three friends who’ve had dinner with him in the last couple of months"...
A poll found that a majority of likely voters don’t think Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step into the presidential role.
Young people should care about communism in Cuba because it is communism in its purest and most raw form: Unsuccessful, deprived, and dangerous.
Ailan Evans Amazon Web Services (AWS) banned Israeli technology firm NSO Group from its services Monday following allegations the firm was involved in
"Good news on the cultural front is rare in 2020s America, so we should gleefully celebrate recent updates from the Census Bureau about the resurgence of two-parent families raising children," says Steve Cortes in The National Pulse.
Steven Hall  The Department of Health and Human Services delivered 311 pages of heavily redacted emails Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health
Andrew Trunsky The economic recession induced by the coronavirus pandemic officially ended in April 2020, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Steven Hall  A federal judge declined Sunday to issue a preliminary injunction against Indiana University’s vaccine requirement for students and
Social media platform Parler scolded President Biden of "overstepping the boundaries set forth by the First Amendment" with flip-flopping rhetoric about Facebook disinformation that "should concern Americans." 
On Monday, several Republican United States senators penned a letter to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) urging them to forbid American athletes from acquiring or utilizing the
The city of Laredo, Texas, sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in an attempt to halt Border Patrol from busing in immigrants into the city who were apprehended in
As Matt reported last week, fear over the Delta variant of the Wuhan coronavirus took hold in Los Angeles County so much so that authorities reinstated an indoor mask mandate
Former President Donald Trump called out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for not pushing to nix the Senate filibuster during his presidency, but the senator's rejection of Trump's requests
Earlier this year, Georgia’s new voting law was scrutinized by Democrats even though it expanded voting access. Now, the same exact thing is happening in Texas.