Without matching serial numbers it cannot be determined if a ballot has been duplicated once or ten times.
President Joe Biden is pushing social media companies to suppress what he calls "misinformation," but he produces it with regularity.
Noem said the radical left is promoting critical race theory in an effort to assert more control over Americans’ lives, and amass more power.
Authoritarians confiscate guns. Why? Because gun rights are the linchpin protecting citizens from loss of all rights.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for former President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) are demanding amnesty.
CNN's anchor Don Lemon said Monday that former President Donald Trump and "those on the right" were putting owning liberals ahead of the lives of their supporters by spreading "misinformation" on the COVID-19 vaccination. | Clips
US, allies blamed China for hacking Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft, US News. China News
Eric Adams said that the Big Apple has “become a place where lawlessness is the norm.” Adams pointed to problems with illegal dirt bikes and ATV.
Tucker Carlson tells Americans they should not be shamed into not asking questions about the coronavirus vaccine, as bureaucrats worry about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."
Joe Biden attempted to downplay inflation concerns during a speech on his administration's handling of the economy. Speaking at the White House on Monday, Biden touted the highest economic growth rate in 40 years as the U.S. started to reopen from coronavirus lockdowns.
Socialist Pedro Castillo has been confirmed as Peru’s president after right-wing opponent accepted the results of a June 6 runoff vote
Wikipedia going woke is, unfortunately, just the latest example of institutional capitulation to the Left.
The Chicago Police Department announced Monday that, in an effort to control gun violence, they would be launching a new anti-gun initiative after violent crime was again rampant over the
Have you gone into massive debt to earn a college degree? Congratulations! You now have a piece of paper that says you're smart! The whole world is wide open to you now. There's nothing you can't do! To help you pick from the endless jobs now available to you, we compiled a list o ...
Megyn Kelly celebrated the DOE dropping the 1619 Project recommendation. When Nikole Hannah-Jones picked a fight, Kelly roasted her.
CNN, struggling with horrible ratings and powerful hits to its credibility, has turned to a subscription model.
Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany blasted current press secretary Jen Psaki PETE HEGSETH, FOX NEWS: You have such a unique perspective having stood at that podium. What's it like to watch Jen Psaki stand there and openly state we are working with Facebook? At one of the press conferences with the surgeon general, they used the phrase 'misinformation' 35 times over the course of that briefing. Can you imagine a counterargument where you would stand up there and say because of misinformation, whether it's on the life issue or Second Amendment, we're going to suppress views from the left because we're going to call them misinformation? I mean, it's Orwellian. And it's happening right out in front of our eyes. KAYLEIGH MCENANY: Imagine if I would have stood at that podium, Pete, and said we're censoring the lies about Lafayette Square that President Trump gassed protesters for a photoshoot. That never happened. Imagine if I had said we're censoring that. We're censoring information that, you know, doesn't agree with the lab leak theory. We're censoring information on Russian bounties. All those things were lies. But guess what? In this country, there's the First Amendment. You're allowed to say what you want with very few exceptions. I would have never said that from the podium. She got her administration in a lot of legal trouble. I'm telling you this. I just tried to make sure I said everything accurately. She's managed to stumble into a legal morass and I guarantee you there are a few people at the DOJ, at social media who are very unhappy with the things that were said at that podium.
Sen. Ted Cruz suggested that the Biden administration has different priorities for those fleeing Cuba than those crossing the border with Mexico for political reasons. "The only people that it seems that they don't want to come are Cubans," he told "The Michael Berry Show." SEN. TED CRUZ: Well it is not lost on anybody that while they have an open border on the Rio Grande and they're letting people go by the thousands each and every day, we're on pace for 2 million people to come in illegally to this country, and the Biden administration is just a revolving door letting them go. The only people that it seems that they don't want to come are Cubans and I got to say, Michael, I kind of have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the fact that Cubans vote Republican. And suddenly the Biden Administration is willing to call out the Marines to avoid any potential future Republican voters but everybody else... it is open season.
In fact, one of America's leading economists, Larry Summers, has been sounding the inflation alarm for months. | Economy
Victoria's Secret is remodeling its stores across the globe and throwing out its iconic "Angels" imagery and sexy decor as part of its larger rebranding effort -- one that's been criticized as woke and "performative" by former models and included naming women's soccer player Megan Rapinoe and transgender model Valentina Sampaio brand ambassadors.
There is no way for an entire industry to police ‘misinformation’ without favoritism, caprice, and, ultimately, profound embarrassment.
A federal judge has imposed an eight-month term of imprisonment in the first sentencing on a felony charge stemming from the Capitol riot.
Biden has done more than any president in memory — perhaps ever — to normalize socialism in American political life.
The NFL is joining a hostile redefinition of the American nation.