Taking one from another playbook. After seeing Texas Democrats recently leave the state, Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested Senate Republicans should do the same for the new reconciliation bill. 
Video posted to social media shows a delivery driver tampering with food that had been ordered by an NYPD officer — and now the driver could face charges.
One of the Texas House Democrats who fled the state last week is demanding a national face mask mandate after three of his colleagues tested positive for COVID-19.What is the background?The Texas House Democratic Caucus announced Saturday that three of its members who fled the Lone Star State in a p...

The Panic Pandemic | City Journal

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus.
The Biden DOE drops recommendations for specific curriculum containing critical theories from a grant program for history and physics.
Two more Texas House Democrats have tested positive for COVID-19 in Washington D.C., bringing the total number of cases within the group up to 5.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has demanded Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs to turn over the evidence of fraud in 2020 elections. In a letter to Hobbs, the state attorney general said Hobbs should provide information about potential double-voting in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) has proposed several ways to help Cubans who have been struggling under the socialist regime. This weekend, the Florida governor criticized the Biden administration for refusing to help Cuban refugees, while admitting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
The U.S. government has “high confidence” that hackers tied to China’s main intelligence service carried out the unusually indiscriminate hack of Microsoft Exchange Server software that emerged in March.
Two more from the Texas House Democratic Caucus that traveled to Washington to prevent a Republican voting bill has tested positive for COVID. Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said he is one of them.
One wonders how seriously the Georgia secretary of state takes its investigation if a staffer frames illegal voting as ‘trying to exercise their right.'
In 2020 alone, Facebook and Amazon spent more money on lobbyists than did major players in the defense-industrial complex.
The U.S. and NATO accused China of "irresponsible and destabilizing behavior in cyberspace" Monday as ransomware attacks against American companies continue.
In 2020 alone, Facebook and Amazon spent more money on lobbyists than did major players in the defense-industrial complex.
My column week before last was quite critical of former President Donald Trump’s role in the creation and propagation of Covidstan. It was, in my opinion, tough but fair, notwithstanding the
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson slammed the teaching of Critical Race Theory to children during a speech Sunday.
If Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin beats Terry McAuliffe, Democrats may lose their zeal for ‘big, significant’ spending plans.  
1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones said in a podcast that she believes Cuba is the most equal country in the Western hemisphere and could serve as a model for its integration agenda
How do our well-informed correspondents know how many immigrants live illegally in the US? Lionel Shriver writes that the number is far greater than what has been previously reported.
Tuesday is my America-versary. Every year on July 20th, my family commemorates the day my mother and I arrived in America. My father and grandmother had arrived a couple of years earlier. We got ou…
Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech in 1902, “The Control of Corporations,” which warned of the danger of corporate power over citizens’ lives. Calling corporations
The Supreme Court is the one institution in Washington Democrats do not control. Liberals have a plan to change that. But the Supreme Court forced Joe Biden to confront one defeat that infuriated Democrats. Donald Trump reshaped the Supreme Court into a six to three conservative majority by replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Amy Coney …
'He was a f***ing terrorist.'
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) has proposed several ways to help Cubans who have been struggling under the socialist regime. This weekend, the Florida governor criticized the Biden administration for refusing to help Cuban refugees, while admitting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) shared her thoughts on a possible retirement for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. During an interview on Sunday, the Democrat was pressed on the Justice's recent statements that he has not yet made plans as to when he will retire.