All three lawmakers, whom the Texas House Democratic Caucus did not identify, are fully vaccinated, which helps protect against severe illness.
The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Biden administration has decided to crack down hard on those who spread covid misinformation on social media. Because of this, Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been promptly and permanently removed from all social media platforms. 'We take this ban very seriously,' a Biden official said. 'Ol' Jen had an e ...
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis visited the Southern Border to meet with Florida law enforcement who have been deployed to Texas to provide additional
The investigation into one of Hunter Biden's many sordid affairs was punted until after Election Day — a more politically convenient time for the Biden family — by those investigating
Former president Donald Trump has an unlikely ally in his fight against social media censorship -- Hollywood director Oliver Stone.
The USSR. Venezuela. Now Cuba. All were held up as Marxist utopias, as was Hitler’s National Socialist regime and former Socialist Party leader Benito Mussolini’s fascism.
Alex Villanueva said he will not enforce the new mask mandate imposed on the county since it is "not backed by science."
President Biden’s adviser Susan Rice is being ordered to sell a $2.7 million stake in the oil pipeline company Enbridge, after the Biden administration decided to allow the Line 3 project.
A Wisconsin representative on Friday said 2020 election reviews being done in the state should be expanded into ...
ESPN is so afraid of the Twitter mob that the Worldwide Leader in Sports won't put a byline on its stories covering the arrest of NFL star Richard Sherman. This is significant. It underscores the power of Twitter to manipulate basic journalism and force a two-tiered, racial standard of journalism eq...
President Biden on Friday defended his administration’s policing of Facebook and other social media sites for misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.
MN Gop calls for resignation of DFL Representative John Thompson after the uncovering of four domestic assault cases.
Union president: "So there's people of color in one group and white folks in another group.... both the people of color and our teachers of color and our white teachers have said that they're uncomfortable with it ... some people feel like this is further segregationist and feel like it's more divis
The other day I highlighted the disturbing remarks of a local NAACP leader in Fairfax County, Virginia. On Thursday night, Michelle Leete stood outside the Jackson Middle School and rallied protesters
He’s encouraging listeners to do the last thing they want them to do — think for themselves.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Questions about Thompson’s residency were raised after he was stopped by St. Paul Police on July 4 for not having a front license plate.
States that withdrew from the federal pandemic unemployment bonus in June saw better jobs numbers and fewer individuals filing for benefits compared to others.
Why would any American hate America First policies?  Why would American politicians despise America First?  Why would someone born, raised, and rearing
Helle Thorning Schmidt says free speech is “not an absolute human right,” and must be balanced with “other human rights” when deciding what to censor.
An unnamed Facebook official doubled down on criticism of President Joe Biden Friday after his administration began waging a war against technology companies this week blaming them for spreading alleged misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines.What is the background?While outside the White House o...
Training to deal with sexual assault, bullying and harassment in Parliament will not happen until September at the earliest, will go for as little as an hour and will be optional for MPs, according to tender documents.
Biden administration officials conducting an intelligence review into the origins of the coronavirus, have reportedly begun opening up to the idea that COVID-19 was leaked from a Chinese laboratory.
Joe Biden was blasted by critics after his accusations of Facebook killing its users. The comments came piling in on Friday as the White House announced efforts to fight supposed COVID-19 misinformation in conjunction with the social media giant. 