Volunteering at your kids’ schools would be a better way to detect and prevent leftist indoctrination.
A reporter asked President Biden on Friday if he had anything to say about COVID “misinformation” on Facebook. “On COVID misinformation, what’s your message to platforms like F...
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki seems to be making the case that the Biden administration is colluding with the tech companies on COVID misinformation.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva said that he and the Los Angeles County sheriff’s department will not enforce the new mask ban because it is ” not supported by science.” The ban takes eff…
Democrats are trying to load up their $3.5 trillion budget proposal with as many bells and whistles as they can fit into it.
Last week I toured the USS Constitution, in Boston Harbor. Launched in 1797, “Old Ironsides” is the oldest commissioned warship afloat. It’s also the only remaining ship in the US Navy to have sunk…
The number of illegals arrested after trying to cross the U.S. border with Mexico continues to climb with 188,000 “encounters” in June, according to Customs and Border Protection. That num...
Michigan Republican state senators approved the repeal of a 1945 Emergency Powers law used by the governor to lock down the state. Reports mentioned the vote along partisan lines came after the certification of a petition by an anti-lockdown group seeking to repeal the law.
At least eight states passed legislation blocking K-12 schools and college campuses from requiring proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. The GOP led states include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah.
During what will almost certainly be a record-breaking year for apprehensions, Democrats are attempting to pass more left-wing immigration policies.
China's recent military exercises with both Naval and Air Force forces off the coast of Taiwan have
Space Jam: A New Legacy starring LeBron James sucks, according to nearly every film critic. Get ready, these are good. "LeBron James' film is an
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) blamed "Trump-era restrictions" for the chaos that has descended on Communist Cuba.
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Friday backed off from his proposal to create a new grant that was seen as encouraging the teaching of critical race theory and the “1619 Project.”
Sebastian Hughes  Border officials encountered nearly 190,000 migrants at the southern border in June, a 5% increase over May’s numbers, Customs and
Michigan's Senate on Thursday approved a petition that repeals Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's emergency powers, with another approval expected ...
Since the January 6 Capitol riot, when a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the building to disrupt certification of Joe Biden's election victory, some commentators and reporters have claimed it's not just on par with the 9/11 attacks, but actually even worse.
The reason Biden likely gave this speech was to preemptively corrode trust in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Eight people are being treated for injuries after a shooting in downtown Portland, including at least one with serious, life threatening wounds.

On Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 2:10a.m., Centra...
The White House admits it's working with social media companies to remove "misinformation" and "problematic" posts.
The White House is proposing what would amount to a second estate tax. The one we already have is bad enough.
The push by Republican state legislatures to restrict or ban the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) and its intellectual progeny has met with a number of
Biden's deliberate open borders policy is expected to drive nearly 1.7 million illegal aliens to the U.S. in 2021, new analysis projects.
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas issued an opinion striking down President Obama’s illegal DACA (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) executive action,