
7 Key Promises Obamacare Broke

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Thursday is the seventh anniversary of Obamacare, so naturally Barack Obama decided to release a statement defending his law: OBAMA statement on the 7th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act pic.twitter.com/eeKXXwWpIp
A 2006 letter asking AFSCME not to endorse Amy Klobuchar for US Senate because of her "shameful treatment of her employees."

Who are Antifa?

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Antifa is not a unified group; it is loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals. Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. 
As we have previously mentioned on ClimateRealism, last month’s winter storms in the United States caused record subzero temperatures, power outages for millions of homeowners when “green energy” failed,  and more than two dozen deaths. It was also the coldest February in over three decades. Two different metrics of temperature measurement we track agree in […]
Gov. Ron DeSantis' office slammed "media & political critics" for rushing to "politicize" the Broward County floods that occurred Wednesday night.

Toys R Us Is Coming Back To Life

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

In 2018, Toys R Us liquidated its businesses in the United States after the company had filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in September 2017, disappointing millions of people who had either bought toys there as children or bought toy for their children at the famed outlet.
Radical activists persuaded top science journals to stop work for a day and validate their claims of "white supremacy" in the science sector.
The media conspiracy against Trump became a lot more serious on Monday when the Washington Post retracted its January story claiming that President Donald Trump had pressured Georgia Secretary of Stat...
As the Pentagon begins processing immediate discharges for those who object to the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ to leave the U.S. military, there is new data to support extraordinary concern for the shots’ safety. Disturbing new data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database shows a startling increase in numerous medical health conditions year-over-year for all age-cohorts — […]
Now they're going after his 94-year-old mother.
Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is in discussions with the House and Senate intelligence committees to receive immunity from prosecution in exchange for questioning about potential ties between Russia and officials in President Donald Trump's campaign, his lawyer said Thursday.
It was revealed on Thursday that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly told "60 Minutes" interviewer Scott Pelley that there were talks about removing President Donald
Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HwZXLd19DSeb/ 5 1 vote Article Rating   Today's Trending Articles: Watch: Massachusetts Police Officer Declines ‘Take a Knee’ Demands From Chanting Crowd Explosive, Profanity-Laced Call Involving Chicago Mayor Leaked: Report Antifa Takes Over Six City Blocks In Downtown Seattle, Use Barricades To Create Occupied No-Go Zone
The Biden administration is scrambling to shelter thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border from Central America. The media are declaring...
In 2017, Democrats objected to more states attempting to certify their electoral votes than Republicans did last year.
The elevating health consciousness among consumers and the escalating demand for nutritive and convenient snacking options are primarily augmenting the peanut butter market across the globe. In addition to this, the inflating need for ready-to-eat peanut butter-based food items, including protein bars, owing to the increasing prevalence of obesity, is further propelling the market growth.
More than 20,000 Americans sent a letter to every member in Congress asking them to take a stand for Biblical values once and for all. 
Pres. Donald Trump (Screenshot) A majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump that some members of Congress “hate our country,” a new Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters shows.
The discovery of the Facebook post comes amid concerns from some Asian Americans that authorities are not treating the killings as hate crimes.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been waging a war on the liberal media worthy of the previous president. His spokeswoman’s brawl with The Washington Post
Nathaniel Pawlowski was ticketed Saturday for preaching outside a drag queen story hour for children in Calgary in alleged violation of a bylaw that bans protests outside a library.
As the outrage campaign against Tucker Carlson continues to mount over recently-unearthed inappropriate comments he made on a shock jock's radio show over a decade ago, the president's son, Donald Trump Jr., is praising the Fox News host for refusing to apologize.