The mayor received plenty of support for his prompt attention to this disgusting display that made the whole town less safe.
The anonymously sourced story claimed Russia offered members of the Taliban bounties in exchange for killing American soldiers. Officials now say that's false.
Materpiece Cakeshop's Jack Phillips isn't fighting to overturn gay marriage or for the right to discriminate. He's fighting to uphold the First Amendment.
CAROLINE GRAHAM: A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities - racial and sexual - can be given jobs.
With each day that passes, the number of lives lost in COVID-19-related deaths continues to tragically grow. However, in a less noticed but equally important
Social media companies face penalties of up to 50m euros if they fail to remove illegal content quickly.
On Friday morning, President Trump used his Twitter account to inform his nearly 60 million followers about a story he suggested the "corrupt" media is deliberately downplaying: the indictment of one of former President Obama's top legal advisers, Gregory B. Craig.
J.R. Majewski of Port Clinton, Ohio, used 120 gallons of biodegradable paint to a 19,000-square-foot Trump 2020 banner across his front lawn. President Trump praised him on social media
We are now in a crisis of American civilization fully as dangerous and real as the crisis of the U.S. Civil War or World War II. 
Millionaire businessman Willie Wilson is handing out $200,000 worth of gas Thursday morning.
Enjoy guffiz, the fastest growing community! Hop over this platform if you have any questions.

Grace on the Fourth of July

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

The Fourth of July is the perfect time to tell the story of America. But which one? Growing up in Canada, I learned a peculiar version in school. It started with the slaughter of the natives and continued with a silly revolution over taxes, one that helped preserve the horrors of slavery. From slavery, the story jumped to the excesses of capitalism during the Industrial Revolution and then to imperialism around the turn of the century. But if imperialism was cruel, the isolationism that followed it was callous. From there, we skipped to segregation, Vietnam, and the Red Scare, which was posed as the precursor to a contemporary hysteria over Islamic terrorism ...
Despite political wins, the debt has doubled and ObamaCare was never repealed.
"You should be ashamed of yourself, because everybody talks about Black Lives Matter. What about baby lives? What about teenager lives?”
Illegal aliens in New Jersey have gone on a hunger strike to lobby state lawmakers to pass a taxpayer-funded program.
CBS News reporter Lesley Stahl falsely told President Trump that Hunter's "laptop from hell" could not be verified.  
'The reaction to this has been absurd.'
A look at Netflix’s Our Planet and the shortage of women’s voices in science entertainment.
Oregon lawmakers on Tuesday voted to distribute more than $200 million the state received as part of the federal CARES Act. Money will go to unemployed people, Black families and businesses impacted by the pandemic, arts and cultural venues and sick people who need to stay home from work.
Joe Biden has had decades to confront racial disparities in the justice system.