It seems perfectly in line with the constitutional order to proscribe senators from running for president, even if doing so would limit voters’ choices.
The jabs and skirmishes of the past week are clear examples of the fracturing Democratic Party.
Sen. Martha McSally wants to make China pay the $1.6 trillion it owes U.S. bondholders
Hundreds of New Jersey students and parents held a rally outside Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., to protest the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
If only other Republicans were this capable of thinking outside the box.
One would be hard-pressed to utilize adjectival alarmism that could sufficiently describe the outright national crisis that is currently transpiring at our inundated southern border.
The 300,000-member National Association of Letter Carriers said on Friday that the union's executive council had endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for president, warning "the very survival" of the U.S. Postal Service is at stake. The union criticized Republican President Donald...
The Senate confirmed Kristen Clarke to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division with only one vote from Sen. Susan Collins.
Unsealed court records show Louisville, Kentucky, activist Quintez Brown, charged in attempt on Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg’s life, also allegedly researched nearby Republican mayor Bill Dieruf online in the hours before the Valentine’s Day shooting.
This item will be updated after the vote.Dallas' council agenda shows that North Texas lawyer Ronald Holmes is the LawDude who paid more than...
Just a disgusting lack of respect for basic human dignity.
The International Energy Agency has demanded Governments worldwide essentially ‘lockdown’ the public to cut down the use of oil and meet “climate change” targets. To be blun…
President Donald Trump said Saturday he is "all in" on supporting a constitutional amendment that would make it illegal to burn the American flag.
A restaurant in central China has apologized for asking customers to weigh themselves ahead of placing their orders following the introduction of a national campaign against food waste.
Could it be that reports of election irregularities that have been seeping out from several swing states are having a deleterious effect (from the Democrats’
President Biden’s new disinformation czar dismissed the parents angry about critical race theory being taught to their kids as disinformers “weaponizing” the issue “for profit.…
Egypt's former president, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who vowed to remove all Jews...

Pure Political

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

oldcorps55: “Yeah man ”
While more revelations about the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship have begun trickling out following the Gates’s divorce announcement, the strong evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades prior to 2011 continues to be covered up by the media—not necessarily to protect Bill but to protect Microsoft.
While pro-choice activists publish Supreme Court justices’ addresses online, the protests they are planning are not protected under the First Amendment.
A British court ruled on Tuesday that the man who threw a milkshake at Brexit Party leader, Nigel Farage, will have to compensate him for his suit cleaning.
In an eye opening campaign video, Congressional Candidate Kim Klacik destroys the image that Democrats portray of their leadership in American cities. #Klacik #Congress #AllLivesMatter #FailedLeadership #realnews
Someone at the Congressional Medal of Honor Society has chosen to perpetrate a cover-up about Israel's attack on a U.S. Navy ship, thereby dishonoring a heroic recipient of the Medal of Honor and causing a stain on the Society...
Pro-abortion activists descended upon an iconic New York City church on Saturday to protest against an anti-abortion group’s monthly routine of demonstrating outside a nearby Planned Parenthood clinic.
Amidst the ongoing debate over so-called fake news in the United States, American media outlets lack any kind ...