Sore loser Hillary Clinton lashed out at Democrat Tulsi Gabbard last week calling her a Russian asset. Hillary still believes the 2016 election was stolen from her. On Monday night Lou Dobbs broke the numbers down for Crooked.  As Lou pointed out — It wasn’t Hillary Clinton who was the victim of spoiler candidates in …
The New York Post broke politically-damaging news about Joe Biden on Wednesday, reporting on recovered emails that further prove Hunter Biden sold access to his father during the Obama administration.
As many as 15,000 American citizens may remain inside Afghanistan, struggling to get out, days after the Asian nation fell to control of Taliban terrorists, President Biden said Wednesday.
The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) numbers were released today and it turns out we're in a recession.
A senior Obama State Department official gave the green light to an FBI agent in 2016 to meet with dossier writer Christopher Steele, a new book says.
Senator Josh Hawley gave a full-throated and much needed condemnation of American corporations that continue to bend the knee to Beijing on the Senate floor.
The University of Minnesota’s School of Social Work and Continuing Education Series recently hosted what they called a Special Webinar Series that was
Andrew Kerr The Biden administration continued to inform American citizens in Afghanistan as of Thursday evening that they could be charged more than
"Non-Partisan" fact-checkers for Facebook and Instagram have decided that the discussion of Joe Biden's wild and wonderful definition of "recession" is unnecessary
Fox News has decided not to renew its contract with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ? the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee’s latest step away from the political spotlight. Indeed, we’ve co?
U.S. Capitol Police have arrested a male Democratic operative for assaulting a female Interior Department communications official following a House budget hearing Thursday. The assault happened after
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas urged more government and media whistleblowers to come forward as he addressed the Connecticut GOP.
Progressive Democrats on Friday called on Senate leadership to oppose the confirmation of any nominee to an executive branch position who is a lobbyist or former lobbyist for any corporate client or who is a C-suite officer for a private corporati
Some progressives are cheering on an Alabama doctor who says going forward he will refuse to treat patients who aren't vaccinated against COVID-19.
SACRAMENTO – As part of the state’s ongoing response to the monkeypox outbreak, Governor Gavin Newsom today declared a State of Emergency to bolster the state’s vaccination efforts.


Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

U.S.—Everyone praised the classified "Hero Dog" for taking down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Everyone, that is, except CNN, who quickly searched through the dog's internet history and college yearbooks. Sure enough, CNN found a picture of the Hero Dog partying at obedience school. In the picture, the dog is seen sniffing a but …
Rudy Giuliani says the Mac repair shop owner who provided him with a copy of Hunter Biden's alleged hard drive gave copies to friends "in case he was killed."
Its bad enough that a middle school in Loudon County, VA, has decided to remove male and female signs from its bathrooms.
Ouch. Marco Rubio, the favorite of many establishment figures, and the favorite of Mitt Romney, is not doing so well in his home state, the critical swing state of Florida. The new poll in Florida shows Trump skyrocketing to 44%, with Rubio in a distant second. Trump also defeats Hillary Cl
An all-women’s college in Massachusetts tells its teachers not to identify “women” in the classroom but rather use the word “students.”
WARNING: Graphic ContentDemocrats are banking on mob violence to help intimidate Republican voters and win in November. The mainstream media, ran by Democrat activists, is doing their part to gin
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) As the world watches the disastrous ending of America's nearly 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, we cannot lose sight of what is happening here, just b

Triumph of Davos Man

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

The elite war on free enterprise.
Tulsi Gabbard has stated repeatedly and unequivocally that she will not run as a third party candidate in the 2020 election. Of course, politicians can change their minds -- or even deceive the...