Socialist mismanagement is killing Venezuela’s national oil company.
The teacher was caught on camera saying he gives extra credit to students who "create an opposition" to "right-wing rallies."
What went around Monday will come around hard for the Democrats when Republicans control the Justice Department and FBI.
The news came as the White House was mulling its response to Saturday’s brutal chemical-weapons attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb.
.11/15/2019 16:58:34PM EST.
Last night, Biden said, “Not one single person with private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare.”
A Taliban spokesperson insisted to Fox News on Friday that “there will be no issue about women’s rights” following the militant group’s takeover of Afghanistan, despite widespread international concerns.
Former President Donald Trump on Sunday called for the Justice Department to return the reams of documents FBI agents seized at his Mar-a-Lago resort last week.
Donald Trump claims to speak for the ?silent majority.? The Trump campaign website even sells ?silent majority? rally signs (yours for the low, low price of $10). But Trump&…
Democrats can say whatever they want about the GOP today, but the fact remains that the Republican party was instituted to end slavery in a time when Democratic leaders refused to acknowledge black Americans as "persons" instead of "property," forcibly removed Native Americans from their land, and even established the Ku Klux Klan to fight against constitutional rights gained by blacks after the Civil War. On today's show, Glenn Beck turns back time to take a look at the Democratic and Republican Parties and what they stood for over the past two centuries. "Is there any truth to the accusations today's liberals throw at the GOP?" asked Glenn, introducing tonight's topic: "The history of the Democratic Party that I'm pretty sure you didn't learn in school." Here are a few highlights from Glenn's timeline: 1792 - Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded the Democratic-Republican Party (yes, both together), a party founded on the libertarian principle of limited government. 1829 - The ?
President Trump said Monday he would “strongly consider” testifying or providing answers in writing as part of the House impeachment inquiry, after Democrats challenged him to appear as part of the probe.
The New China Federal Battle Series (1) The huge loan agreement between Hunter Biden and Bohai Huamei RS (Shanghai) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.-Original Exclusive Document:(English video version)
Pro-abortion sentiment from high-ranking politicians who proclaim to be Catholic is disgraceful, San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone said.
The news was so disturbing it could not go without a comment from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Auburn University's men's basketball team was about to embark on a 10-day trip to Israel. They'd play some games and hold clinics with
There's no conservative like a Luddite progressive.
He’s known for his comedic chops and his super-popular podcast, but Adam Carolla says his new documentary isn’t about laughs, but making audiences think about what he describes as censorship on college campuses.
We can return to the explosive job creation, rising wages and general prosperity we had before the pandemic. We can have economic freedom and opportunity, and resist cancel culture and censorship. …
Thomas Suozzi said that he would not support the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill if Democrats would not increase the deduction for SALT.
Pence also rebuked fellow Republicans for their reaction to the Trump raid, saying ‘these attacks on the FBI must stop.’
President Trump on Friday sought to dispel rumors that he may make a change in his running mate ahead of the 2020 election, giving a vote of confidence to Vice President Pence.
A landmark for the judiciary, without any guaranteed outcomes.
A federal judge has ruled that Florida’s new “anti-riot” law championed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis as a way to quell violent protests is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.
In a sign of just how much the Republican presidential primary has turned the party on its head, Sen. Lindsey Graham will headline a fundraiser on Monday in support of Ted Cruz.
“The DNC filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the Russian government, the Trump campaign and the WikiLeaks organization alleging a far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the 2016 campaign and tilt the election to Donald Trump,” the Washington Post reports. “The complaint, filed [...]
When I advocated for candidate Donald Trump back in 2016, I sometimes used the analogy of my favorite teenage book, “The Outsiders.” We on Team Trump were the equivalent of the “greasers” and...