Liberal networks CNN and MSNBC made a decision on Monday that was unprecedented in recent memory when they skipped the historic vote in the Senate that confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as the 115th justice and only the fifth woman to the Supreme Court. 
We're a politically divisive, unhappy and humiliated country.
House Democrats are warning Sen. Joe Manchin III that they won’t honor the deal he made with party leaders to secure his vote on President Biden’s massive spending and tax law.
While Obama is 'leading from behind' in foreign policy Trump has a real plan to tackle terror - several in fact.
Despite Trump's “America First” campaign promises to rein in globalism in favor of Americanism, analysts on both sides say new reforms being pushed at the World Bank represent a “departure” from that agenda. By Alex Newman
FORT WORTH, TX—Local conservative man Patrick Porkers thrashed liberals Tuesday for supporting policies that he himself will support in just five years.From medicare for all and a wealth tax to free college and canceling student debt, the conservative systematically dismantled every policy liberals support, though he's going to cave on ever …
In Wisconsin on Tuesday, President Donald Trump condemned the riots and looting in Philadelphia that happened the previous evening.
Vice President Kamala Harris raised eyebrows on Sunday with her tweet urging Americans to help protect already vaccinated people in order to end the COVID-19 pandemic.
NBA Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman plans to travel to Russia to help imprisoned WNBA star Brittney Griner after being given "permission to go," he revealed to a journalist over the weekend.
Ted Cruz is ripping Trump for his attacks on Heidi Cruz today in a press conference at Dane Manufacturing in Dane, Wisconsin, according to multiple reports on Twitter: UPDATE: Here’s video of…
Ms. Harris is the only 2020 Democrat who has fallen hard out of the top tier of candidates. She has proved to be an uneven campaigner who changes her message and tactics to little effect and has a staff torn into factions.
U.S.— Experts now believe that this year will be marked by unprecedented voter turnout. With the help of mail-in voting, officials believe as many as 800 million U.S. citizens will be able to cast their vote.“Finally, all eligible voters in this nation will be able to have their voices heard,” said Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. …
The Biden vaccine mandates will bring out basic truths about the pandemic.
Chicago-dweller Adam Kotsko, a faculty member at the Shimer Great Books School of North Central College, has publicly opined that individuals should not reside in rural settings."In discussions of reducing car dependency, one often hears, 'What about people in remote rural areas?' And my gut instinc...
There are plenty of reasons to be suspicious that Kim Jong-un hasn’t fundamentally changed its goals, even if it has had to change its tactics.
Rapper Lil Wayne set the internet on fire Thursday night when he announced that he had a meeting with President Donald Trump and praised POTUS for his
Before getting into the meat of this piece I should disclose a thing or two. I know Aaron Peña pretty well. We’ve worked together in state government. Before that, when he was a Democrat state r...
An agreement between the Minneapolis Public Schools and Minneapolis Federation of Teachers provides "protections for educators of color" from seniority-based layoffs.
Michelle Fields survives a near death encounter with Donald Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski...
IRVING, TX—In a bold move designed to garner praise from the nation?s progressives, the Boy Scouts of America finally admitted girls into their ranks, but were discovered to be hopelessly bigoted upon the revelation that they are still excluding the 49,247 other genders that have been scientifically identified. The Scouts immediately drew heavy criticism for ?
One expert, called by the Republicans, says case against president is ‘one of the thinnest records ever to go forward on impeachment’
Two weeks after banning The New York Post's reporting that exposed Joe Biden's apparent involvement in his son's overseas business activities, Twitter backed off on Friday and finally ended the
But this debt burden was not mandatory. It was optional. And racking up $100,000 in student debt was an option these former students willingly accepted.