While the author of The Hobbit disliked allegory, his great thematic preoccupation with the struggle between good and evil remains as relevant as ever.
Organizers of the Tokyo Olympic Games might ban spectators from cheering or talking loudly to minimise the risk of coronavirus infections.
The growing use of vinyl chloride in the construction industry in preparing siding, roofing, wire and link protection, window outlines, etc., is one of the primary factors driving the vinyl chloride market.
It’s been almost seven years since Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift’s VMA speech in 2009 to declare that Beyonce, in fact, had the “best video of all time,” but the rapper can’t seem to let the topic go.
In the real world, our interests wax and wane with our experiences and choices. They rarely provide the grist that sustains a career over the long haul.
Global warming alarmists dream of taking down capitalism without firing a shot.
With the balance of power in the US Senate riding on two run-off elections in Georgia, stinging comments have resurfaced made about Israel and Black Lives Matter by one of the Democratic candidates…
Thanks to the Chinese Communist Party virus, there’s been a surge in homeschooling in the United States. The ...
Vice President Kamala Harris again declined to comment on the arrival of illegal migrants from Texas to near the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.
Donald Trump believes that Bernie Sanders should desert the Democratic Party and ran as an Independent, he revealed in a tweet. Trump’s tweet was likely a
U.S.—A new report performed by a coalition of Christian theologians confirmed Monday what many have already suspected: that the nation?s Democrats and Republicans are more divided than ever before over exactly how the Bible should be misinterpreted, misapplied, and misused to support their own political agenda. The nation?s leftists and conservatives are drifting further and ?
James Polite allegedly set fire to seven Jewish sites and vandalized a synagogue. New York authorities arrested James Polite for vandalism of a New York synagogue in November 2018. James Polite was a Democrat activist who worked on the Obama Campaign. His foster parents were Jewish. And he was profiled in The New York Times. …
Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk said Saturday he probably has COVID-19. “Am getting wildly different results from different labs, but most likely I have a moderate case of COVID,” th…
A Navy nuclear engineer with access to military secrets has been charged with trying to pass information about the design of American nuclear-powered submarines to someone he thought was a representative of a foreign government but who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, the Justice Department said Sunday.
Running a campaign consisting of demanding to speak to the manager isn't working out so well for Hobbs.
We are very encouraged by the progress of the bills (SB 826 and HB 5444) to Repeal and Replace Common Core( Math and ELA), science, social studies and assessments. SB 826 passed the Senate Education Committee as introduced and now awaits passage by the full Senate.  The rumors rumbling around Lansing that there could be …
Department of Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was dining at Washington, D.C.'s MXDC Cocina Mexicana, an eatery near the White House, Tuesday night, when a group of protesters from the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America stormed the restaurant, confronted Nielsen, and screamed a
PORTLAND, OR—Freelove Community Church has announced its children's ministry will no longer be singing classic song "Jesus Loves The Little Children" for its "problematic implication" that Jesus also loves white kids."Red, yellow, brown, black, and WHITE!?! Excuse me!?!" said children's minister Taser Von Queesha as …
Two Indonesian men were forced to do pushups on Tuesday in front of police officers as punishment for not wearing masks amid covid-19 pandemic. The incident happened in the city of Banda Aceh, the largest city in Indonesia's highly conservative Aceh province.
A federal jury in Boston recently convicted Gamal Abdelaziz and John Wilson in connection with conspiring to get their children into the University of Southern California. The story is more newsworthy for what it says about the corruption of our criminal justice system than for what it says about corruption in the college admissions process....
The escalating demand for consumer electronics, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc., and the expanding information technology (IT) industry are primarily driving the electromagnetic compatibility filter market.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday urged European leaders to protect EU borders or risk a "return to nationalism" as the continent battles its worst migration crisis since World War II. As Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi kicked off two days of talks in Rome with Merkel and senior
“The Children! The Children! The Children!” [Are the cameras running?] “Oh, oh, oh, The Children!” Has The Resistance™ now well and truly lost its collective mind? Watch Rachel Maddow?
The 1960s Great Society and War on Poverty programs of President Lyndon B. Johnson have been a giant failure. Social welfare programs are in no way effective at alleviating poverty. Learn how LBJ’s welfare state creates a culture where people receive benefits rather than seeking gainful employment.