Credit to RollCall Article by Haddon L. If you listen to the media about the Million MAGA March, here's what you'll get: "Violence ensued after small gathering of Trump supporters attacked...
Katie Couric deceptively edited her 2016 interview with Ruth Bader Ginsburg to omit comments criticizing athletes who kneel during the national anthem.

Tucker Carlson: This was all a lie

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Fox News host Tucker Carlson voices his concerns over the crisis at the southern border as Pakistanis are paying to cross illegally on 'Tucker Carlson Tonigh...
Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr has named former Tsawwassen First Nation chief Kim Baird, ex-Yukon premier Tony Penikett and University of Winnipeg president Annette Trimbee to an environmental review panel for the first of two pipeline projects before the National Energy Board.
A foreign national who is in the U.S. illegally was sentenced in both federal and state court to 30 years in prison after stabbing and shooting NYPD officers in 2020.

Oklahoma Makes Abortion a Felony

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

New law would punish abortionists by yanking medical license
A baby died May 24 at Kern Medical after being pulled from the womb with a fractured skull. Police believe the baby girl's parents are to blame, but the case has presented a legal conundrum eliciting strong opinions about how to proceed.The mother is belie
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that the families, children, and grandchildren of defenders of President Trump will be punished by history. Vengeance will be visited on the descendants of the pro-Trump sinners.
BURLINGTON, VT—Bernie Sanders expressed bewilderment this week after the announcement that two separate U.S. drug companies have successfully produced a vaccine for COVID while socialist countries like Cuba and Venezuela have not yet announced such a breakthrough. "I happen to believe," said Bernie to supporters. "that Cuba and Venezu …
The superintendent of a Virginia school district on Friday appeared to admit the district violated state law in ...
Now that the NRA endorsed Donald Trump for president, the group is launching an attack ad campaign against what they call Hillary Clinton's "War on Guns"
The country we live in doesn't want the Republicans in the White House! They don't want them running this country! We're the majority! We're the majority (shouting now), "And I don't know, on that positive note -- Electoral College. Get rid of it. Get rid of it, Democrats!
When answering questions during a news conference at the Arizona Health Department on Wednesday, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ...
After the Chicago Sky took the WNBA title, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot posted a picture online of her celebrating without a mask among legions of masked fans — going against her own city’s mask mandate.
As climate change raises temperatures and increases the impact of natural disasters around the world, some doctors are trying to find ways to tackle the distress impending environmental doom is wracking on people's mental and physical health. 
When a couple shares the joyous news that they're expecting a child, they commonly say they'll be "starting a family."
Presumably, as you read this, the White House is setting up its war room for the Supreme Court confirmation battle to come. The interns are stocking the mini fridges and hanging the musk-masking ai…
DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — Climate issues are set to be one of the main talking points at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos this week, but a survey of CEOs released Monday...
President Donald Trump returned to the White House briefing room for the first time since the elections and claimed he 'won' as he attacked Big Pharma for holding out news of a vaccine.
FEC records show that “Squad” queen Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and other aligned progressives have shelled out serious cash over the third quarter on private security.