John Brennan may not know it, but he’s acting in a drama scripted and produced by Donald J. Trump. As Eli Lake perceptively observed, President Trump isn’t trying to silence Brennan by revoking his…
A school has launched a program to turn kids transgender without telling their parents, and, not surprisingly, it's getting a reaction:
According to Marvel Comics, the beloved "Guardians of the Galaxy" character Peter Quill (a.k.a. Star-Lord) is a polyamorous bisexual. "Space adventurer
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “ USB Data Cable Manufacturing Project Report : Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setu...
Top O’ the Briefing Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Gerrold finds deep contentment in the proper wearing of Victorian-era livery. I’m still shellshocked from Tuesday...
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump may be in a general election fight against his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, but he seems to be more obsessed with attacking certain Republicans than going after her, as demonstrated in a troubling Washington Post interview&n

The Institutionalized Race War

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Disgraced former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman warns that President Trump may trigger a “race war.” But that war is already underway, and the Left fired first, emboldened by the poison of identity politics. That the Left is waging war on America in explicitly
The business features a replica of the Oval Office and guns on the wall. The opening drew a crowd.
Cast your vote now for your favorite Quarantine Hot Take video of 2020. Here are the four nominees ... <section><h2>The Best Quarantine Hot Take Is...</h2><p></p></section><section><h2>1. H1N1 vs. COVID-19: Free Pass for Obama, Crisis for Trump<...
Working families have still lost thousands of dollars in income under the current administration, says The Heritage Foundation in a new report.
This is the most 2016 thing that has ever happened. Here is a post in which Breitbart News cites Gateway Pundit in a non-joking way in order to convince their readers that Trump will "win in a landslide" because he's doing better on social media than Hillary. The polls, you see, are fake, and are designed to prevent you from voting for Trump. What you | Read More »
Johnny Bobbitt once spent his last $20 helping a stranded woman.
The inspiring words of Puritan John Winthrop are still remembered by Americans awed by his courage, faith, and leadership under punishing conditions.
More than 2 million take-home COVID-19 test kits have been recalled over a "potential false positive," according to a report from the Food and Drug Administration.
What better way to show the world you suckle at the teat of the globalists’ New World Order than to dress like the most “successful” mass-murdering communist in history?...
A millennial member of a focus group has angrily objected to the contents of a television programme because it portrayed millennials as coddled, easily offended and thin-skinned. The feedback for CBS’ new comedy series The Great Indoors was recounted by its executive producer Mike Gibbons at a Television Critics Association panel this week and, in further vindication, outraged a millennial member of the press.
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is endorsing the Gary Johnson's Libertarian campaign for U.S. Senate in the state of New Mexico.
As a way to show support for the rights of Panama City Beach residents, council members passed a resolution Thursday to reinforce Second Amendment rights.
A California judge ruled that all San Diego County restaurants can reopen for on-site dining, falling in line with an earlier ruling that strip clubs could remain open despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s novel coronavirus-related health order that calls for such establishments to close up shop.
The escalating demand for bio-based chemicals on account of the elevating environmental concerns represents one of the primary factors driving the bio-based propylene glycol market.

Dr. Jill Stein on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“If we want to avoid escalations like #Milwaukee, we need to ensure black voices are heard. "A riot is the language of the unheard" -- MLK”
Anyone with a pulse knew this hot take would arrive sooner than later. We just learned the 'Friends' cast will reunite for a one-time only event to be shown on HBO Max this May. Fans rejoiced over the news, especially since they've been clamoring for a reunion since the show signed off in 2004. The other shoe to drop? Will the stars finally apologize for all those problematic jokes? Yes, in recent years we've been pummeled by think pieces saying the show trafficked in unwoke jokes, the kind you just can't write today. Because comedy. Well, whoever had 'CNN' in
A Dominion Voting Systems whistleblower who says she witnessed irregularities in Detroit on Election Day is accusing Dominion's CEO of lying.