Miranda Devine and Gregg Jarrett react on 'Hannity' to Hillary Clinton's reading of her would-be victory speech.
Six months ago, the on dit in Democratic circles was that Biden may well accept his orders from Father Time and stand aside
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Republicans must cut spending now

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Lawmakers who campaigned to shrink the government need to follow through on their promises.
Walmart was also ordered to pivot certain items to online sales.
'Coming out to a protest march in Trump regalia is a way of thumbing one’s nose at all of the major Canadian political parties,' Quirk, a U.S. specialist said
The Consumer Price Index increased 0.9% in November, bringing the key inflation indicator's year-over-year increase to 6.8%, the highest figure in four decades.
Lynnette Hardaway, the “Diamond” of the famed conservative duo Diamond and Silk, dies Monday, according to the pair’s official Twitter account.
Police investigate alleged hate crime after flyers depicting Mohammad deflowering 9-year-old Aisha were sent in October 2016 to mailboxes in Edmonton, Alberta.

Freedom in the World 2018

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Democracy is in crisis around the world, with 2017 marking the 12th consecutive year of decline in global freedom. www.FreedomInTheWorld.org
Technocratic activists are full of solutions to the coronavirus crisis – the same panaceas they've been pushing for years. What problem wouldn't be solved by abolishing the family, privacy, and other things we take for granted?!
West, who changed his name in October to 'Ye,' did not respond to requests for comment sent through another publicist who represents him
The rising incidences of chronic ailments, along with the elevating awareness regarding the several health benefits of green tea, are primarily driving the green tea market. In addition to this, the increasing utilization of green tea in weight management products is further propelling the market growth.
The stock market has been pouting about Trump’s recent surge in the polls for a week. This is going to be a helluva finish, so let me recap some of my predictions for those of you who aren’t binge-…
NBC host Megyn Kelly ripped on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Tuesday after Warren released her DNA test results that showed that she is potentially 1/1,024 Peruvian, Mexican, or Colombian — not Native American.
It’s a dangerous precedent that government could consider itself the arbiter of private essential services. How is that constitutional?
HONDURAS: Hundreds of asylum seekers are forming new migrant caravans in Honduras in Central America, planning to walk thousands of kilometres to the United States via Guatemala and Mexico, in search of a better life under the new administration of President Joe Biden. A first group of some 300 people set out at dawn on Thursday from San Pedro Sula, the second-largest city in Honduras, headed for Corinto, on the border with Guatemala, some 100 kilometers (62 miles) northwest.
Sebastian Hughes  Republicans’ allegations that President Joe Biden’s handling of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline empowered Moscow to potentially invade
WHAT CAN THE GOP HOUSE ACTUALLY DO? On Sept. 23, 2022, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), then the House Minority Leader, traveled to Pennsylvania to unveil the GOP's midterm campaign platform, the Commitment to America. The document was a "plan for a new direction," McCarthy said. "We want to roll it out…
FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has heard an alleged audio recording of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi's murder inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, according to a senior Turkish official. Speaking exclusively and on condition of anonymity to ABC News, the official claimed the...
Joe Rogan, host of the podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience,” said on Friday that he would vote for President Donald Trump over Joe Biden if Biden becomes the Democratic presidential nominee. Rogan made the remarks while talking with guest Eric Weinstein, a left-wing political commentator who is also the managing director of Thiel Capital. “This […]
Elections have consequences.
The vast majority of Latinos dislike the term and have zero interest in being used as pawns by progressives.