'You can do anything in California except open a business, walk down the street, or buy a home.'

Welcome to California

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Friday called for the immediate all-out mobilization of American industry to combat climate change, saying the "direct existential threat" it poses to the world is similar to the danger posed by Nazi Germany during World War II.
As daily life across America is upended by the coronavirus crisis -- with mass business closures plunging the economy into freefall -- one former New York Times reporter is sounding the alarm about what he believes are flawed models dictating the aggressive strategy.
Much of this country is still sitting back in an attempt to absorb the ramifications from the unprecedented actions of a social media outlet, Parler, being obliterated from the internet.
HARRISON, AR - It was a somber day for white-hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan as they received news that their organization was disbanding, since the progressive Left was accomplishing all of their goals with unparalleled effectiveness.'Welp, I guess it’s both good news and bad news,' said current CEO of the KKK, Bob U. Genics whil ...
Editor's Note: The reason we launched an organic freeze dried chicken company last year was anticipation of what you'll read

Sam Harris 'Gets It' - YouTube

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Sean Miller shared a video
In general, the idea of killing two birds with one stone is best eschewed; it seldom works. It is better to do focus on one thing at a time, get the job done, move on. Sometimes, fate intervenes. By some fluke — is it really, though? — we find our southern borders threatened by a ?
Zoom facing more public backlash over its weak security measures.
Not the Bee is your source for headlines that should be satire, but aren't.
Mark Levin Calls For Adam Schiff To Be Disbarred: “This guy is unethical, he doesn’t deserve to be a member of the bar”
A bill proposed in the Connecticut state legislature would provide children 12 years and older with the right to get vaccines without parental consent.
In 2012, Trump called the electoral college "a disaster for a democracy."
Seven members of a cable TV crew were arrested at Newark Airport on Thursday after trying to film themselves passing a fake explosive device through a security checkpoint and onto a plane, accordin…
NYT: "no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable."
On Wednesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said he reads President Biden's statements | Clips
WASHINGTON (AP) — All of the U.S. military services have now begun disciplinary actions and discharges for troops who have refused to get the mandated coronavirus vaccine, officials said, with as many as 20,000 unvaccinated forces at risk of being removed from service.
Mayorkas spoke as House Republicans lay groundwork to try to impeach the Cabinet secretary

Central Community Team on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“If you think that by going for a picnic in a rural location no one will find you, don’t be surprised if an officer appears from the shadows! We are covering the whole county #urbanandrural #StayHomeSaveLifes #ProtectTheNHS 2813 7702”
Several Antifa Twitter accounts were suspended as a result of the riots held by the radical communist group during inauguration day.
Former President Donald Trump said Sunday that China should pay reparations for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maryland police announced Thursday that a 17-year-old illegal alien has been arrested for the July 2022 murder of 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton.Hamilton's body was found in a mobile home at the Rancho Estates on E. Inca Street in Aberdeen on July 27.The Aberdeen Police Department indicated that the vic...
"Right now, I would guess he's running," David Axelrod said.