Former President Donald Trump refused to commit to signing a pledge to support the GOP’s ultimate presidential nominee, setting up a potential clash with the Republican National Committee.
It seems the official tweeter for the National Park Service is not a fan of the new President Donald Trump.

BREAKING: Arizona Has a New Senator

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

BREAKING: Arizona Has a New Senator - Katie Pavlich: Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has appointed former Republican Congresswoman Martha .12/18/2018 12:53:38PM EST.
State Department emails obtained by conservative group Citizens United this week indicated that the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine was involved in discussions about the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and even a meeting with a company representative, despite testifying to Congress during the impeachment inquiry that she knew little about the firm.
This may be the beginning of the end for Cuomo.
The ruling could potentially remove an option for voting ahead of the state's crucial midterm elections. The decision is all but certain to be appealed.
House Bill 1410 goes to Sanders’ desk less than two weeks after the U.S. Department of Labor announced it had fined Packers Sanitation Services Inc. for violating child labor laws at 13 plants in eight states, including Arkansas.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez declared that the Trump administration’s immigration policies would have killed Jesus Christ during a scathing statement Thursday attacking Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
Mounting evidence suggests the Obama administration engaged in serious corruption with ObamaGate. Democrats and their media allies are going spend the next few months gaslighting the public by focu…
The powers that be in Chicago have determined that the city is far too cluttered with statues, monuments, plaques, and even gravestones.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand strolled into an upstate eatery maskless, in violation of a statewide mandate, according to video footage posted by the irate restaurateur.
Many liberals either hope or want California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom to step up in 2024 if President Joe Biden cannot follow through on running for re-election. They better hope Newsom doesn’t have to face Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Florida Republican on Monday night thrashed…
Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs across Asia
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón has cut ties with the California District Attorneys Association, saying the group’s all-White board indicates the group has failed to keep pace with changing times.
The Red Cross has maps and guides for migrants to make the dangerous journeys to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy decisions when she was secretary of State, along with her choices while the senator of New York, were not and have not been
Socialism Can Kill You, But It Won't Bury You, Venezuela, a failing socialist state,It’s the socialist dictatorship with no food, no power, no water, no hope and true income equality.
House Democrats may want to hold their fire and take a look at this report.
A city public school principal is asking parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness” — passing out literature that extols “white traitors’’ who “dismantle institutions,&…
The Fed began purchasing $120 billion in bonds and mortgages per month at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He made his argument by referencing Matthew 2:13.