
Nancy's Election-Rigging Bill

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Nancy Pelosi's top priority is to turn America into a one-party nation ruled by Democrats. Her bill HR 1, to be voted on this week, trashes the U.S. Constitution in an attempt to rig the system and make it virtually impossible to elect a Republican president or Congress again. It's a power grab.
Jeff Garcia isn't backing down from his criticism of ESPN star Mina Kimes. He reacted to the backlash. What did he say about Mina Kimes?
Hungary's parliament on March 27 approved Finland’s bid to join NATO, putting an end to months of delays and bringing the Nordic country one step closer to becoming a full member of the Western military alliance.
If there is one thing Republicans should thank Democrats for, it is their treatment of Donald Trump. Trump was a lifetime Democrat who…
RUSH: The left looks like they've steamrollered us like a hot knife through butter. It's only because nobody has ever attempted to stop 'em.
Democrat New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio demanded on Monday that a police officer who appeared to pull a gun on a crowd have “his gun and badge taken away today” and face consequences for the alleged actions. However, hours after de Blasio made the remarks, additional video footage surfaced that showed that the […]
The retired Supreme Court justice believes we have no moral obligation to obey the law
Biden is even being criticized by members of his transition healthcare team.
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The Ku Klux Klan was founded as the activist wing of the Democratic Party. On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their …
The man who brought an assault rifle to a Black Lives Matter protest in Lubbockplanned to shoot "MAGA instigators," according to the U. S. Attorney's Office. Emmanuel Quinones, 25, is charged with with making interstate threats. According to a criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday, Quinones allegedly brought a loaded Smith & Wesson . 223 caliber semi-automatic rifle to the protest. Erin Nealy Cox, U. S.
Voting rights groups are calling on companies such as Coca-Cola Co and Delta Air Lines Inc to oppose efforts by Republican lawmakers in Georgia to enact
Among Brian Flores' allegations: Dolphins owner Stephen Ross offered him $100K for every loss in 2019 to help with draft position and the Giants conducted a "sham" in-person interview with him to comply with the Rooney Rule after deciding on Brian Daboll.
Lawyers for rock star Steven Tyler asked a court Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of sexually abusing a teenage girl and later pressuring her into aborting their unborn baby. Deadline reports the former Aerosmith frontman told the court that the alleged victim, Julia Holcomb Misley, consented to the relationship and did not sustain any […]
The charge that the FBI is investigating Trump-campaign collusion with the Russians has just collapsed under the weight of its own implausibility.
The absence of the high court’s eldest justice is resparking debate over judicial term limits. Wise Silence gives thoughtful discourse on the issue.

Do French Lives Matter?

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Where was the outrage when police were maiming protesters in France?
New York City first lady Chirlane McCray is asking city residents to "intervene" against violence for one another less than a year after...
Thomas Catenacci Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee released a report slamming one of President Joe Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees for her

Destroying the Rule of Law

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

Alaskan caribou are much more resistant to global warming than scientists previously thought, according to a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Alaska's Department of Fish and Game.
'Reflective questions' protocol 'does not predetermine decisions,' school says.
In this episode I address a deeply troubling tip I received about the Swamp, and their ongoing battle against President Trump. I also address the disastrous Rod Rosenstein hearing on Capitol Hill, and the total collapse of the collusion hoax. Finally, I address the new movement to kneel before others to virtue signal.
News Analysis As Joe Biden constructs his new administration, individuals from the Obama administration are quietly resurfacing in ...
The New York Times on Wednesday wrapped up America’s year under President Joe Biden in the space of two sentences. Biden, the Times reported, “promised