Help Soldier who was punish...
In the latest episode of what is nothing less than a mushrooming scandal of religious hostility in the military, Army Master Sergeant Nathan...
Read Moreby ActRight Community in Family Research Council Action
November 10, 2011 - Thursday
Today the Senate Judiciary Committee passed S.598, Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) bill that would completely eradicate the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the protections it affords taxpayers and the majority of state's voters who have decided to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
The misnomer medal of the month might have to be awarded early! S.598, the misleadingly titled "Respect for Marriage Act" not only disrespects American's across the country who want to protect traditional marriage--and have done as much in the 31 states which have passed statewide referendums in favor of marriage--it will also require your tax dollars go to pay for the federal benefits and subsidies of gay couples, irrespective of where they live, who have gotten "married" in 6 states that allow it.
Marriage is not some prize that liberals can award to a small, vocal and already well off special interest group. Marriage between one man and one woman was created prior to the formation of any governments and is given benefits by governments because it uniquely contributes to a productive society. Trying to change the definition to fit some misguided concept can only cause harm to society.
In the latest episode of what is nothing less than a mushrooming scandal of religious hostility in the military, Army Master Sergeant Nathan...
Read MoreThe Left celebrated the day President Obama signed ObamaCare into law, but we cannot let this be the end of the story. The pain is only beginning....
Read MoreThe United States Postal Service's nationwide ban on Christmas caroling is antagonistic toward the Christmas traditions held by millions of...
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