Hold the line on taxes
Tell your Representative that tax hikes are not an acceptable part of a "super committee" deal.Up until now, that group of 234 Representatives and...
Read MoreNow is the time to email your Representative. They need to know that you don’t want to spend another dime on Obamacare. Congress needs to act fast to stop the massive spending and expansion of entitlements caused by Obamacare.
Conservatives cannot vote to fund the law’s massive entitlement expansion (and mandates), which will take effect on January 1, 2014. Instead, they must lead the charge to deny funding for the law’s implementation using the forthcoming year-end spending bill.
Encourage your Representative to co-sponsor the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013. Co-sponsoring the bill is a crucial step to stopping the full implementation of Obamacare. Then conservative lawmakers must attach the bill to must-pass legislation, like the year-end spending bill.
Tell your Representative that tax hikes are not an acceptable part of a "super committee" deal.Up until now, that group of 234 Representatives and...
Read MoreThe Heritage foundation supports H.R. 890, a bill that will repeal the Obama administration’s July 12, 2012 memo allowing states to...
Read MoreThe Heritage Foundation is including the vote on S. 336, the Marketplace Fairness Act, in their legislative scorecard. The conservative...
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