Support a Special Prosecutor to Investigate the IRS

by ActRight Community in National Organization for Marriage

Even though the IRS has agreed to pay the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) $50,000 and admitted they were responsible for the illegal release of NOM’s confidential tax return and donor information, there’s still so much Americans don’t know about the entire IRS scandal.  To get to the bottom of this and truly hold the IRS accountable, the American people need the appointment of a special prosecutor.

For example, Matthew Miesel, was the gay activist who received NOM’s confidential tax return and donor information from the IRS and then gave it to NOM’s principal political opponent, the Human Rights Campaign. NOM’s investigation of this matter showed that prior to receiving the information Meisel told a colleague that he had “a conduit” to obtain the information. Later, when questioned by NOM’s legal team during the lawsuit, Melsel was asked to identify the “conduit.” His response was to claim the protection of Fifth Amendment and assert his right against self-incrimination. Ask yourself this, why would Matthew Meisel claim the Fifth to protect himself against criminal prosecution if the IRS story, that this was just some random mistake on their part, was true? Why did Meisel feel that by testifying about his conduit he might open himself up to criminal prosecution?

We don't believe for a second that the story ends here. And we’re sure you don't either.

The problem is that Eric Holder and the Justice Department don't seem to want to get to the truth. They have simply refused to investigate and have shown no willingness to interview Matthew Meisel, or officials with the Human Rights Campaign.

So it's again up to us.

Luckily we've got allies like Senator Ted Cruz.

Last Thursday, after introducing a resolution on the Senate floor, Senator Cruz said, "Americans need a guarantee that the IRS will never be used again to target an Administration's political enemies...We need a special prosecutor with meaningful independence to make sure justice is served and our constitutional rights to free speech, assembly, and privacy are protected."

Please take the time right now to send a message to your Senators urging them to co-sponsor and support Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s Resolution (SJ 487) calling for such a special prosecutor.  You can use this link to send a message that will either automatically thank your Senator for already supporting this initiative, or urge him or her to sign on now.

Sometimes the only way to get things done in Washington is to appoint outsiders to do the jobs our government and elected officials should be doing.  Please take the time to ask your Senator to support Senator Cruz’s Resolution today.  Just use the action button to do so now.


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