Stop the War on Baby Girls

by ActRight Community in American Principles Project in Action

Sex-selection abortion is a serious worldwide problem, and its overwhelmingly a war on baby girls.  According to an article published this year by the British Medical Bullent by Jing Bao Nie, China alone has “forty million missing females.”

Forty million girls snuffed out in the womb due to the combination of pressures to have but one child, and that child a son.

And it's not just happening in faraway China.  It’s happening right here in the United States.

A qualitative study of 65 immigrant women in Social Science Medicine by Sunita Puri documented the enormous pressures on some women here in America to abort baby girls: "40 percent of the women interviewed had terminated prior pregnancies with female fetuses," and "89 percent of women carrying female fetuses in their current pregnancy pursued an abortion."

Many of these women faced what the scholars called a "spectrum of verbal and physical abuse,” saying these women remain “highly vulnerable to family violence and reproductive coercion."

Both for the sake of the daughters and of the mothers,  tell Congress to act!

