Support This Critical Legis...
An agency should not be forced to shut down simply for holding to the common sense idea that children do best with a married mom and a dad!
Read Moreby ActRight Community in National Organization for Marriage
Led by Sen. Diane Feinstein, Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have pushed through a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, setting the stage for a showdown on the Senate floor. But Senator Feinstein admits she doesn't have the votes to pass it -- so now reports indicate she's considering attaching it to the Defense Authorization bill, holding marriage hostage on this piece of "must-pass" legislation.
An agency should not be forced to shut down simply for holding to the common sense idea that children do best with a married mom and a dad!
Read MoreReince Priebus has served as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee since January 2011. In that time, he has made sure that...
Read MoreMany times we at NOM are asked by supporters what one person can do to stand for marriage or stand for religious freedom. With the March for...
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