Protect Chaplains from being Forced to Participate in Same-Sex Marriages

by ActRight Community in National Organization for Marriage

Last April, the Navy issued new “sensitivity training” guidelines that required Navy chaplains to perform same-sex marriages. Thanks to leadership from Congressmen Tim Huelskamp and Todd Akin, the Navy backed down and rescinded the guidelines. 

In September, the Department of Defense issued two more memos, requiring all military facilities to be available for same-sex weddings and allowing chaplains to participate in same-sex ceremonies. 

Recognizing this growing threat to the religious liberty of our armed forces, Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas introduced the Military Religious Freedom Protection Act (H.R. 3828) to protect chaplains from being forced to participate in same-sex marriages and any servicemen or women from being discriminated against because of their views on marriage.


We Stand With the Duggars!

The Duggars,stars of the hit TV show "19 Kids and Counting," have come under attack from the intolerant bullies of the homosexual lobby because of...

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