Now is the time to email your Representative. They need to know that you don’t want to spend another dime on Obamacare. Congress...
Read Moreby ActRight Community in Heritage Foundation
We oppose this bill because, while it has a catchy name, it is full of harmful policy. From not giving men due process and presumption of innocence, to expanding the definition of “violence against women” coverage to include some men and transgendered people, this bill is bad policy.
Now is the time to email your Representative. They need to know that you don’t want to spend another dime on Obamacare. Congress...
Read MoreShould Congress be held accountable for the regulatory policies of the federal government? Most people would say so, and this week the House...
Read MoreLater this month, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on Securing American Jobs Through Exports Act of 2011...
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