Stop the HHS Power Grab

by ActRight Community in

Tell Secretary Sebelius: No Contraception Mandate! 


Once again, Catholic values are under attack.  

The Obama administration wants to force all insurance companies to cover artificial contraception, sterilization and related counseling services without any co-pay.

There would be no exemption for religious organizations like Catholic Charities under the guidelines proposed by the Health and Human Services Department, lead by pro-abortion “Catholic” Kathleen Sebelius. 

Join in opposing this effort to deny the conscience rights of employers and healthcare providers who believe that contraception and sterilization undermine the health of women, families, and their unborn children. 

 ACTION: Call Kathleen Sebelius at: (202) 690–7000 or send her an email at: [email protected]

Tell her to respect religious liberty. Tell her the government shouldn't force every insurance plan in the country to cover birth control. 


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