Kim Davis Fund
Support Kim Davis!
About Kim Davis Fund
GoFundMe changed their policies to prevent people crowdfunding support for people like Kim Davis. At the request of users, ActRight has opened its fundraising to include individuals like Kim Davis who are being persecuted by an overzealous government.
Religious liberty is guaranteed by our constitution and federal law requires the government to find reasonable accommodations for people who, like Kim Davis, have deeply held religious beliefs. It was profoundly wrong for the US Supreme Court to have imposed same-sex ‘marriage’ on every state in the country and it is judicial tyranny for judges to throw in jail individuals who do not want to personally be involved in the act.
Kim Davis should be freed immediately, and the rights of Americans should be protected from ‘having to participate in something that violates their religious beliefs.
Kim Davis should not have to stand alone. She will need a lot of financial support.