Smith For America The Fundraiser for Roiger Smith, write-in candidate FOR PRESIDENT 0F U.S.
I am an average retired citizen, doing all I can do with what I have. I am a member of the Independent Party. I also wish to set up a party headquartersw for anyone who wishes to become a member may do so. If I had the moni
Money Raised
About Smith For America The Fundraiser for Roiger Smith, write-in candidate FOR PRESIDENT 0F U.S.
I am running for President of the United States. I claim that all citizens are each entitled to the rights and priviledges of the Constitution. If elected, I will remind the United States Suptreme Court that 1. Prayer in school illegal. 2. Abortion: Legal and 3. Same sex marriages were legal. None of these three issues have ever been before the Senate or House for Ratification. If elected, I will give the Supreme Court 10 working days to submit these three rulings to Congress. If, and after Congress receives them, I will give them 10 days to vote upon. If, after 10 days, Congress has failed to vote, then I will call for a Special Election of the people, (by Executive Order) and all the people regisrtered to vote will, on a certain day, vote on the issues. If 3/4ths of those voting are to repeal those 3 issues, then the results will be presented to Congress and Congress shall publish them to law. I believe that Ameriica needs 3 Constitutional Judges to hear cases where a change of venue is necessART FOR A DEFENDENT OR PLANTIFF WILL GET A FAIR HEARING..