Columbia Journalism Review and TBWA/Chiat/Day N.Y. open a fake news stand in the middle of New York City.
...Just in time for election day.
Black people are discovering that theyre conservatives.
The U.S. Border Patrol this week reportedly told Texas homeowners along the U.S.-Mexico border to prepare to see a possible influx of "armed civilians" on their property as the migrant caravan moves closer to the border, a report said.
Blacks are walking away from the Democratic Party and progressive agenda because they are tired of the solutions that erode independence and leave black families and communities worse off.
TAPANATEPEC, Mexico: Two months ago, Marisol Hernandez's husband was gunned down by gangsters for refusing to work for them. For the pregnant ...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared on The Late Show and discussed the toxic political climate our country is facing. 
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More devastating news for Democrats. President Trump’s approval rating hit 50% on Monday. This was 6 points higher than Barack Obama at the same time in his presidency. And President Trump’s approval number from black voters hit 25% on Monday. This is a huge blow to Democrats who need around 85% of the black vote …
Back in June, Washington’s new zero-tolerance policy on the southern border was creating a firestorm. Parents caught crossing illegally were separated from their children, and heartbreaking photos …
"The mad toll of death threats and assaults, of shootings and harassment was unleashed by the Left. The hectoring media has made millions from it... They can make it stop. Or they can go on feeding the beast while blaming conservatives."
The State is undergoing a crisis of legitimacy owing to its inability to cope with novel problems of weapons proliferation, transnational threats including climate change, a fragile global financial infrastructure, cultural influences carried by electronic communications, and an undemocratic regime of human rights law. These fatal inadequacies are summoning forth a new constitutional order, the latest in a series of century-spanning archetypal regimes that have arisen since the Renaissance and the collapse of feudalism. A backlash against the harbingers of this new order, however, is crippling the development of those modes of action that are required to deal with the underlying crisis. In the United States, this crippling reaction has operated in tandem with a formidable critique of America’s right to lead an international order that has brought unprecedented prosperity and low levels of warfare to the world. This backlash is as much a reaction to the critique of the United States’ political and cultural heritage as it is to the governing techniques that are harbingers of this new constitutional order. Only a restoration of faith in America’s constitutional and strategic heritage — its exceptional ethos — will make possible the preservation of liberal traditions of governing in the new world that is being born. To accomplish this, we must answer the critiques by identifying what is the animating American quality that entitles the United States to compete for leadership.
Unlike the mainstream media, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) refuses to blame President Trump for the horrific mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday, during which a non-Trump supporting white supremacist took the lives of 11 Jewish-Americans.
Monday on CNN, network host Don Lemon, referring to the shooting of two black people in Kentucky last week, the pipe bombs sent to various famous Democrats, and the shooter in the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, said that white men are “the biggest terror threat in this country."
Americans must denounce Farrakhan after Pittsburgh shooting.
Pollster Dan Cox in an interview that aired Tuesday on "What America's Thinking" said that the Senate midterm map for Democrats is "historically difficult" this year. 
Today, the site remains one of the best-preserved landscapes and archaeological sites associated with Civil War era U.S. Colored Troops recruitment camps and the African American refugee experience. Camp Nelson will now be the 418th site that the National Park Service oversees.
Two new polls show Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn cementing her lead in her race for the Senate seat against Democrat former governor Phil Bredesen.
Who cares if someone uses a bit of humor to poke fun at a group of people, as long as it’s not something offensive like making fun of a race or culture?
Almost every U.S. high school student, it seems, has read “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Are we a sovereign nation?
He said "but" and he should have said "and."
The Democrat Party has increasingly embraced open borders and shielding illegal immigrants from immigration laws. They claim this is for "compassion." However, it was not always this way.
The movie about Kermit Gosnell, the late-term abortionist in Philadelphia who went to prison after being convicted of the murder of three babies, briefly cracke
Red Dead Redemption 2’s excessively detailed world tries to suggest reality. Fall and you get covered in mud; while covered in mud someone might make a coy comment about how they hope it’s not shit. The world is full of little flourishes and behaviors that suggest its NPCs are real people with genuine reactions. But the more I play, the more they feel like puppets putting on a show. More so than any other game I’ve played.