
It's been a tough decade for the political left. Eight years ago, a Time magazine cover portrayed Barack Obama as Franklin Roosevelt, complete with a cigarette and holder and a cover line proclaiming, "The New New Deal." A Newsweek cover announced, "We Are All Socialists Now."


Video Credit: Nick Stumphauze, https://www.youtube.com/nickknak13 Twitter: @BrendanRyanMAGA TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo...


Remember when the Solicitor General of the United States suggested that the federal government might be obliged to take away theologically conservative religious institutions' tax exemption? Evangelical voters did.


Fast food CEO Andrew Puzder opposes higher wages and has supported automating service jobs.


For the past several decades, within the dreary halls of every unionized public school in this country, a great fiction about our nation’s history has been spoonfed to the minds of the young and imp


Rent in San Francisco has skyrocketed above $4000 a month. Ben Carson's HUD can play a vital role in stopping this anti-market behavior.


One of the reasons Democrats lost the 2016 election is their leadership’s obvious scorn for working class white people.


Bigots still don't understand that …


Hey, remember that time that Donald Trump was elected president and the world was going to end? One month later, the world has not ended and even critics are giving grudgingly high approval to Trump for acting presidential. No wonder liberals are having a tantrum. Maybe Saint Obama won’t be canonized after all. Trump, instead?


Cheers star John Ratzenberger was one of the first Hollywood types to support Donald Trump, telling Fox and Friends on Thursday that he was already on the “Trump train” when he went on Neil Cavuto’s show last year “pledging his support.”


Sheriff Clarke: 'Fake News' Started With 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Lie


Even though he's an influential Republican in a swing state, this is good news for the country.


A Muslim sheikh, Walid Al-Wadaan, Saudi professor at the University of Muhammed Ben Saud in Riad/KSA, allows "Mujahideen" to dress like priests or women…


Hillary Clinton has not only betrayed the Democrats she has betrayed the entire country. The FBI now has announced that they are “99% sure” that at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into Clinton’s private server and acquire items of national security. AT LEAST FIVE?! This is absolutely ridiculous. She should be?


Parents worry that Trump’s threat to ‘take out the families’ of ISIS makes their own kids a target.


Even black astrophysicists aren’t immune to police harassment.


Hillary Clinton’s failure to win the presidency means that her haters have reaped what they started to sow a quarter-century ago, argued former Times executive editor Jill Abramson in a Tuesday column for the liberal British newspaper The Guardian. “The activists, groups, think tanks and nonprofit ‘charities’ that made hay over the petty controversies that dogged [Clinton] had already succeeded in driving up her negative trust and honesty numbers well before the 2016 campaign,” wrote Abramson. “The garden was already planted; all Donald Trump needed to do is water it with his chants of ‘Crooked Hillary.’”


A Daily Caller analysis found that just 13 far-right extremists have been indicted on federal terrorism charges since Sept. 11, 2001, despite liberal journalists, groups and academics spreading the n


A study on climate change predicts Europe and America will be experiencing very cold weather, while insisting it's the result of global warming.


Climate Depot?s publisher Marc Morano statement on President Elect Donald Trump?s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt pick for EPA chief: ?President-Elect Trump&#…


CNN host Jake Tapper called out Slate for a misleading story about Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, saying his sources told him they were taking


President-elect Donald Trump re-emphasized the approach he will take in enforcing the nation’s immigration laws last week, which is much different from the manner of enforcement utilized by President Obama.


U.S.-Israel Relations Set to Improve - Cal Thomas: The consensus in Israel is that the relationship between the .12/08/2016 10:58:33AM EST.


In a POLITICO interview, the departing Democratic leader blamed his party’s 2016 debacle on Jim Comey and said no big changes are needed.


Woke celeb Lena Dunham deletes her toilet selfie — blames the ?kind of world we live in.?