
On a largely liberal campus, it can be frustrating for conservative students to feel comfortable airing their opinions.


Kelly, who retired from the military in February, is a blunt-spoken border security hawk.


It's been one month since the historic US election, and Van Jones wants the country to come together. But first he wants to explain "The Messy Truth" about the political climate in the United States.


There have been murmurs about it all along.


Buzzfeed published a listicle Monday containing insulting and racist messages toward white people. The listicle, entitled, "19 School Powerpoint Presentations That Give Zero Fucks," is a list of st


WOW! CNN scoured the Carrier manufacturing plant in Indiana to find the one disgruntled employee to come on and bitch ...


Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg is under enormous pressure from the left to crack down on the "fake news" circulating on the social-media giant. He is well-advised to run as far as he can from the News Police. In a recent note on Facebook, Zuckerberg claimed he wanted to err "on the side of letting people…


Racism and division in the UK are officially things of the past! The Brits are standing up for their values by getting migrants to repeat words like "toleran...


Originally published under the title "How Cultural Relativism on Campus Has Chilled Freedom of Expression." My seminar students at McGill University told me that you can't say anything at this university without being accused of being sexist, homophobic,


I reached peak Twitter this week when I was sucked into a tweet battle with a liberal dwarf.


They just need to remember there are only 45 more days until a new commander-in-chief is sworn in. President Obama received tepid applause from troops in Tampa, Florida during his last nation security speech as president. Obama made the eyebrow-raising declaration that, “We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last …


President Barack Obama described Islamic terrorism - which he dubbed “violent extremism” - as a function of poverty during his Tuesday evening national security address at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.


Join the Mug Club: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub No, "Hate speech" does NOT exist. It's absolutely incompatible with our First Amendment and thats by ...


University of Illinois shot down a proposal which would have transformed the grounds into a “sanctuary campus”.


Tulane's Undergraduate Student Government took what some students are calling a small step toward progress by passing legislation endorsing the use of gender pronouns in all USG member email signatures, as well as supporting the incorporation of pronouns into other departments at Tulane.


Tulane’s student government is requesting that students and professors add their preferred gender pronoun at the end of emails.


UConn President Releases Plan to Protect Illegal Immigrants on Campus


Progressive activists at Cal Poly are demonstrating their tolerance by attacking a gay faculty member and college republican advisor.


The British leader knew the importance of holidays in restoring a nation’s spirit.


Lately, Hollywood has been in a bit of panic mode. Clearly the election of Donald Trump has thrown them through a loop because they left no room for even the slimmest possibility of Trump winning the presidency. Comedian Tina Fey is no different and let her apparent distress be known to David Letterman in an interview he conducted with her for The Hollywood Reporter. The former late-night host commiserated with the former Saturday Night Live comedian over their newly found realization of American’s “misogyny”--(rich, coming from the host who admitted to sleeping with his interns)--and how they would deal with the disappointing blow.


Rep. Kevin Cramer writes that the standoff isn’t about tribal rights or water, but a White House that ignores the rule of law.


Even a cursory examination of the facts makes it impossible to reach any conclusion other than that the Republican Party takes inordinate pleasure in making your life worse. Take Virginia Foxx, for example.


I reached peak Twitter this week when I was sucked into a tweet battle with a liberal dwarf.