The Latest on Donald Trump’s transition to the presidency (all times local):
report this ad This is so perfect. Ellen DeGeneres showed up at the White House today to be awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but she forgot her ID: They haven't . . .
(AP Photo/Seth Perlman)(CNSNews.com) - Soft drinks were the top commodity bought by food stamp recipients shopping at outlets run by a single U.S. grocery retailer.
President Barack Obama—who isn't going away after he leaves office—just unleashed this massive whopper:
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, one of several reported contenders to be secretary of state in the Trump administration, said Monday it is important for the next president to rescind the Iran nuclear deal soon after taking office.
Catching up at the gun range with Jon Fischer of the Pink Pistols post-Donald Trump victory
President Barack Obama—who isn't going away after he leaves office—just unleashed this massive whopper:
The first summary of the meeting between Donald Trump and network TV stars and executives yesterday was the official one, via Kellyanne Conway: When asked if the meeting was about mending fences, Conway said, “There’s no need to mend fences. It was an off-the-record meeting. It was very cordial. Very productive. Congenial. But it was also very candid and honest.” The New York Post used the term “f—ing firing squad.” David Remnick, the Obama-adoring editor of The New Yorker, was very upset about how Trump is scaring the liberals – he’s going to keep criticizing liberal bias? As if that were so unprofessional and beneath him (it’s never unprofessional and beneath them to manufacture it).

Bobby Brown- On Our Own

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Bobby Brown- On Our Own Ghostbuster's 2 1989 film Movie Soundtrack
If you're despondent over the election, consider this reminder from F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."
President-elect Donald Trump invited major media moguls to Trump Tower for a face-to-face meeting on Monday, and a source claims the billionaire confronted them in a session that was described as a “f—ing firing squad.” “It was like a f—ing firing squad,” a source told the New York Post after the hour-long scolding, which was […]
President-elect Donald Trump will not appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, a senior aide says. Speaking to MSNBC's "Morning Joe," transition advisor and former campaign mana
A federal judge has reportedly been suspended from overseeing citizenship ceremonies after he told newly sworn-in U.S. citizens that they needed to accept Donald Trump as their president or “go to another country.”
One of the first programs on the block for President Donald Trump could be the almost $500 million spent on public broadcasting.
A group of Trump supporters were kicked out of a Washington, D.C. bar on Saturday because they refused to remove their “Make America Great Again” hats. One of the men involved, George McIntyre,
Astronomers who work for the Australian government are demanding "safe workplaces for scientists" that are free of alleged bullying and sexist comments. The academics demand a safe space from the
In a story about hate crimes following Donald Trump's win in the presidential election, CNN puts anonymous graffiti messages in the "hate crime" category, but dismisses assaults on white people as
The Delta Tau Delta fraternity house at the University of Florida was vandalized with swastikas and Donald Trump references over the weekend. In response to the group of anti-Trump protesters march
Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to change the theme of a senior class party described as "very alienating, divis
Columbia University will make itself a haven for illegal immigrants and actively defy U.S. government efforts to enforce immigration law, the school's provost announced Monday. Provost John Coatsw
A group of left-wing Californians has filed an application to put a secession referendum -- "Calexit" -- on the 2018 ballot.
How dose Hillary Clinton fit into this year's Thanksgiving Day theme? We'll see what birds of a feather flocks together. Cartoon by A.F. Branco
UNH professors are calling for the expulsion of two students who counter-protested an anti-Trump rally while wearing Harambe and Richard Nixon costumes.
Professors at the University of New Hampshire are calling for two students to be expelled for protesting an anti-Trump rally.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I've gotten to know him well--he's a greatly talented person who loves people!”