Conversing with fellow Daily Show “comic” John Oliver at the Montclair Film Festival on Saturday night, Late Show unfunny host Stephen Colbert admitted that he couldn’t even conceive that Donald trump would win the presidency; so much so that he couldn’t write jokes bout Trump winning for election night.
It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service.
An internal email released by Berkeley to its faculty asked for help in support of Berkeley’s undocumented student community.
Students at the prestigious University of Massachusetts, Amherst, are participating in a week-long "sh*t-in" demonstration.
"a citizenry incapable of facing adversity"
According to one elector who is receiving hundreds of emails a day from Democrats, telling him to change his vote from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, that is happening. In Texas, unlike some other states, electors may change their mind, and it has Democrats from around the country urging them to do just that, said Alex Kim, an elector for Texas’ 24th Congressional District. “At | Read More »
Following the Nov. 8 election …
A police officer was forced to resign after students claimed that he used his vehicle's PA system to shout "Make America Great Again."

Trump and Science

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The president-elect’s statements suggest a practical outlook, which makes a welcome contrast with Barack Obama’s crusading spirit.
Undermining border security...
A 37-year-old Brooklyn resident named Mohamed Rafik Naji was arrested for allegedly attempting to execute Islamic terrorism on behalf of ISIS, reported left-wing CBS News on Monday.   A citizen of Yemen, Naji was legally present in the US as a permanent resident.
A federal judge in Texas advised a group of new United States citizens that if they don't like the election of Donald Trump, they are free to leave.
How Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda Helped Hillary
Trump's election as an outsider promising to shake up a system he told voters is rife with “waste, fraud and abuse” has conservatives optimistic they could do now what Republicans have been unable to achieve in the 133 years since the civil service was created.
 Even if it was about genocide, you still need to get over it. Since the left needs some sort of ‘victim credentials’ before they’ll heed anyone’s words, I will give them. However, I’m not going to…
With no apparent interest in actually investigating the voter fraud of which New York City Board of Elections Commissioner Alan Schulkin admitted to on tape during a Project Veritas, that same Democrat-controlled board moved quickly during a behind-closed doors emergency meeting to terminate Mr. Schulkin?s tenure as an Elections Commissioner. Via: observer.com: ?The Manhattan Democratic Party convened an ?
Two years of communism had left alive only a fraction of the original Plymouth colonists. Unable to survive another season like the last two, the elders decided to try something radically different: the introduction of private property rights and the right of the individual families to keep the fruits of their own labor.
A reporter from The New York Times declared President-elect Donald Trump to be “vulnerable” to foreign policy pressures from foreign leaders by virtue of his foreign business holdings while asking President Barack Obama a sycophantic question on Sunday. Presented with a statement critical of Trump in the form of a question, Obama seized the opportunity to accept the reporter's premise.
So, soon-to-be-ex-President Obama won’t be going away anytime soon.
The Oscar-winning star says the word 'hero' is 'overdone' and should be reserved for real heroes like pilot Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger, who is the subject of his latest film