Provided he meant any of it, here’s what to expect over the next four years.
Illegal immigrants are preparing to ask President Obama to pardon some 750,000 Dreamers, saying such a move is their last, best hope to stave off what they fear will be a wave of deportations once Donald Trump takes the Oval Office.
While it's true that President-elect Donald Trump has enabled some infighting within the Republican Party, conservatives can always agree on one thing when it comes to The Donald: The complete meltdown of a reaction Trump elicits from leftists is hilarious, and perfectly illustrates the intolerance of the frail left.
A protest against the election of Donald Trump at Ohio State University was interrupted when an anti-Trump demonstrator was tackled to the ground while makin...
Clinton Voters Threaten Electors To Change Their Votes And Vote Rotten Hillary http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2016/nov/14/idaho-trump-electors-report-barra...
Idaho’s four presidential electors have been getting harassing phone calls, emails and Facebook messages urging them to become “faithless electors” and not cast their votes for Donald Trump in the electoral college.
Move over James Comey. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has a new culprit for its loss to Donald Trump: Self-loathing, sexist women. During an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, former Clinton campaign communications director Jess McIntosh claimed it was women with “internalized misogyny” who couldn’t bring themselves to vote to elect the first woman president. Clinton campaign …
Chicago Will Always Will Be A Sanctuary City For Undocumented Illegal Immigrants Says Mayor Emanuel http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/11/14/emanuel-tells-undo...
More Than 70% Of The Portland Anti-Trump Protesters Did Not Vote In Oregon http://www.kgw.com/news/local/more-than-half-of-arrested-anti-trump-protesters-did...
‘A lot of ’em use bad, rough language.’
Follow Liz on Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler Facebook: www.facebook.com/TippingPointonOAN Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialLizWheeler Instagram: @Liz_OANN
A Planned Parenthood affiliate has posted ads seeking workers to help stop Trump.
Students at the University of Virginia, which was founded by Thomas Jefferson, are asking administrators to stop quoting the third president of the U.S.
Twitter has initiated a major purge of accounts associated with the alt-right exactly a week after GOP President-elect Donald Trump's stunning electoral victory. One of the first and most prominen
In the wake of Trump's election, the mainstream media are suddenly concerned about the First Amendment. The truth is, they never cared about free speech.
Hillary Clinton Screaming Obscenities and Throwing Objects in Election Night Meltdown
Your doctor’s political affiliation may affect how he or she treats your issue
A man says he was attacked by two men while riding the New York City subway in because he was wearing a Donald Trump hat.

What Now?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump and the Republican establishment must take time to self-reflect.

America Is Not a Safe Space

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Pity the anti-Trump protesters thronging the streets of American cities.
Salafism, an ultra-conservative strand of Sunni Islam that has a growing number of followers in Germany, is becoming part of the country's youth culture, according to a professor of ethno-religious studies at Frankfurt's Goethe University.
Bill and Hillary had a vicious fight over her blaming FBI Director Comey for her slump in the polls, reveals a source close to the ex-president. Bill says Mook and Podesta were at fault.
NEW YORK – The NYPD said they've arrested more than 60 people connected to Wednesday night's protests against president-elect Donald Trump. As of early Thursday, at least 65 demonstrators were arrested and most of them were charged with disorderly conduct, police said. Hundreds of protesters began their march in Union Square around 6 p.m. and then grew to the thousands when they merged with another group hours later at Columbus Circle.
Ann Coulter: Appropriate Reaction to Those Calling Bannon Anti-Semitic, Racist: 'Screw You'