The day after voters handed Donald Trump the presidency in addition to Republican majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said the Senate should do away with the filibuster.
Donald Trump’s campaign message has displayed a focus on workers that sometimes makes him sound more akin to a 20th-century Russian or Chinese official than the 2016 Republican Party nominee for Pre
Donald Trump, Chairman and President of The Trump Organization, speaks at CPAC 2014 on March 6, 2014. Recorded at the Conservative Political Action Conferenc...
Can I have the bullhorn please?I would like to address all of you rioting hippies, fifth-generation welfare leeches and assorted illegal immigrants who are currently looting, burning and carjacking your way across the college campuses and free-stuff districts of America.First of all, can we describe these civil disturbances for what they really are? These are not “anti-Trump” riots, they are “pro-Hillary” temper tantrums.Tuesday was the revolt of the working classes. Now we have an ongoing insurrection of the non-working classes.
When People Laughed At The Idea Of Trump Actually Being Elected President! [Compilation]
Donald Trump on Sunday told his supporters to stop harassing minorities, in his first televised sit-down interview since becoming President-elect.
CEO Matt Harrigan threatened to kill Donald Trump with a sniper rifle today online. Matt Harrigan at Packetsled Matt Harrigan ...
When Audrey Kaatz and Ashley Wright finally decided whom to support for president, they kept the choice to themselves.
Anti-Trump protesters march by tens of thousands nationwide
Protesters rejecting the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States have adopted the safety pin as their symbol.
Giuliani: Anti-Trump Demonstrators Are 'Professional Protesters,' Not Hillary Supporters
The appointments created rival centers of power and elevated the voice of Mr. Bannon, whose longtime website, Breitbart News, has traded in conspiracy theories and sometimes racist messages.
Americans decisively chose a new trajectory for our country when they elected Donald Trump, firmly rejecting the progressive gangsterism that has plagued Ame...

A Tribute To Freedom

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Thanks for watching! Like, Share and Subscribe for more! The song is courtesy of MouthyBuddha, check him out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKEt1xKVBLuL17...
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov explains how the Communists use ideological subversion to attack and weaken the west. For educational purposes only
What can we expect from a Trump presidency? 60 Minutes' Lesley Stahl finds some of his campaign issues were not meant to be taken literally, but as opening bids for negotiation
Donald Trump loves Britain and can help it prosper, Nigel Farage says after meeting the next US President.
The Never Trump movement failed. God?s Will, as always, reigned supreme and despite every ounce of opposition that the Democrats, media, and Never Trumpers could muster, the nation was saved …
Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win.

John Bolton for Secretary of State

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

And just like that Donald Trump needs to govern. The outsider who shocked the world with his upsets in the primaries and the general election will have to arrive in Washington and take control of a vast and often hostile bureaucracy. With allies nervous and a challenge from adversaries abroad likely to materialize quickly, the choice of secretary of state is his most important appointment.  Naturally, names have already been mentioned in the press as possibilities, and none is better suited to the job than former U.N. ambassador John Bolton. First, the other possibilities: Newt Gingrich is a brilliant thinker and glib talker who would always be one slip of the tongue away from creating an international crisis; Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee was last seen facilitating President Obama’s Iran-deal path through Congress, in one of the prime exhibits of GOP fecklessness in recent years; Rudy Giuliani has done yeoman’s work for Trump, but doesn’t have extensive foreign policy experience, to put it mildly. Bolton has the advantage of being an experienced, straight-talking yet nuanced foreign-policy hand, who also fits the Trump sensibility on national security. Bolton is an American internationalist who believes in the importance of American power.  He is a hard-headed realist whose focus is always the national interest. He negotiated the creation of the Proliferation Security Initiative, for instance, a global effort to counter illicit trafficking in weapons and materials of mass destruction. It was, and is, a diplomatic rarity—“an activity, not an organization,” as one U.K. diplomat put it. United Nations, take note. Bolton has been around the block—starting his career as a protégé of James A. Baker III—but has never become an establishmentarian or lost his edge. He would understand that he is the president’s emissary to the State Department, not the other way around, and avoid getting captured by Foggy Bottom’s bureaucrats the way, say, a Colin Powell did, or others with less experience likely would. He is a scourge of international institutions and treaties that threaten our interests or sovereignty. In the George W. Bush administration, he removed America’s signature from the treaty creating the International Criminal Court, and negotiated over 100 bilateral agreements to prevent Americans from being delivered into the ICC’s custody. And he negotiated America’s withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty so President Bush could launch a national missile-defense program to protect America from the likes of rogue states such as Iran and North Korea. He believes that diplomacy and negotiations should be directed not to reach agreement at any price, but to advance American interests. It is his view, correctly, that the process of negotiation is not, as too many in the State Department see it, an end in itself but simply a means to achieve larger objectives, and always from a position of American strength. On top of all this, Bolton, who endorsed Trump soon after he clinched the Republican nomination in the spring, is respected by all factions of the party. (He is a long-time friend of this magazine and serves on the board of the National Review Institute.) In short, John Bolton is an ideal pick, and his appointment would be a sign that the Trump administration intends to get off to a strong start.
Lack of voter enthusiasm couldn’t be overcome with a campaign message that was focused so heavily on Trump’s divisiveness, some say.
It took the Left about 2.3 seconds to reveal their true colors after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. This wasn't a delicate revelation of a well hidden identity, rather, the curtain was ripped back, uncovering overwhelming hatred.

Fox News on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“BREAKING NEWS: RNC Chair Reince Priebus to be named President-elect Trump's chief of staff, sources tell Fox News”
The RNC chairman helped create the Trump phenomenon, and it’s time conservatives demand he step down.
"Because your little candidate didn't win the race you're gonna lose your ever loving mind and act like a bunch of pu**ies?"