The president-elect may be forging relationships with ultranationalists, populist factions overseas.

Democrats Embrace Their Radicalism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Democratic Party is suffering a nervous breakdown. An entitled cast of urban liberals is taking to the streets protesting the free and fair defeat of a...
One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. M…
In all the explanations for the Trump victory, don’t forget the mess we’ve made of our educational system. Our K-12 public schools perform poorly, relative to the rest of the First World. As for ou…

I Miss Barack Obama

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This campaign is highlighting some of the president’s better traits.
At least 19 people were arrested Saturday night, Portland Police said.
Peter Schiff goes to Wall St. 1791L - Your source for the top speeches & debates of this millennium. ⊕ Subscribe to the backup channel in case YouTube censor...
After nights of protests and riots, Portland city leaders Saturday said enough is enough.
In these post-election days it seems every news anchor, TV guest, and show host is devastated that Crooked Hillary was finally sent back to the private sector for good. Liberals are rioting, claiming PTSD, and lashing out at anyone that voted for The Donald.  Case in point, the video below in which somehow Conan O'Brien thought that in these deeply divided days it would be a great idea to stereotype half of the population as dumb angry "rednecks" and then kill them. Yes, kill them. 
This could be Hillary Clinton's legacy.
Princeton Polling Expert Who Called Election Wrong Eats a Bug on CNN to Honor Promise
Remember that terrific scene at the end of the movie The Candidate, when one Bill McKay (Robert Redford) has just amazed himself and everyone else by winning a California Senate seat against an incumbent who was supposed to be invincible? “Marvin,” he asks his campaign manager, “What do we do now?”
Photos taken at an anti-Trump protest in Washington, D.C., Saturday night show a man holding high above the crowd a ...
It all depends on who is chosen for the new administration.
Beyond the commotion in the streets, liberal activists are preparing legislative challenges and getting ready to support social services they assume will be gutted.
The women, mostly white, said it wasn’t so much about voting against Hillary Clinton, but about the change they thought Mr. Trump would enact.
University of Pennsylvania reportedly provided students upset over Donald Trump's election with emotional support puppies, coloring books, and chocolate.
It's a good thing for us these virtue signalling PC morons are incapable of introspection: we're gonna keep winning BIG LEAGUE! Support my channel on Patreon...

The Left Throws Itself A Pity Party

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump's shocking victory Tuesday night sent leftists throughout the world into uncontrollable levels of grief. America saw this development first hand as Hillary Clinton's "victory" party qu
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Anti-Trump Protesters Destroying Property Need Their Asses Kicked http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-10/calexit-california-secession-petition-gaining-stre...