Thousands of protesters chanting, “Trump is Hitler!” stormed up Sixth Avenue en route to Trump Tower on Fifth Wednesday night in one of many demonstrations nationwide against thew new president-ele…
Tuesday’s surprise loss has Democrats in disbelief and denial — clawing for excuses, predicting Armageddon and refusing to accept the results. It’s unhealthy. A nation in need of unity and healing …
Trump's plan to impose a 45% tariff on imports from China may send U.S. retail prices of Chinese made goods up 10%, Capital Economics said.
Those liberal tears taste delicious. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet

Too good to not share....

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Donald Trump is the man Americans have chosen as their vehicle for the dramatic change they demand from Washington and rejected Obama's hope and change.

My Post-Election Thoughts

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In which John Green discusses the outcome of the 2016 election, the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, the astonishing and beautiful persistence of hope ...
Bill O'Reillyreally took some serious issue with what ABC's Martha Raddatz did during the election broadcast last night.
A Fox News reporter tonight tried to speak to a protester in New York, but he ended up hijacking it to shout an anti-Donald Trump message.

BigHeadSports on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“This motherf*cker right here!
report this ad The tolerant and super-loving liberals are now burning an American flag in front of the Washington D.C. Trump hotel to show how tolerant and loving they are: So this . . .
Even after Clinton and Obama call for political reconciliation, Trump opponents express anger and distrust.
Mexico said on Wednesday it would work with Donald Trump for the benefit of both nations after his surprise U.S. election win, but reiterated it would not pay for his planned border wall, which stirred up deep resentment during a fraught presidential campaign.
Thousands of protesters around the country took to the streets Wednesday to condemn the election of Donald Trump as president.
John Kasich, a possible 2020 candidate, plans to give a speech less than 48 hours after polls close in this election
Three key states were instrumental in securing the presidential election for Donald Trump — Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
They must be prepared to speak truth to power.
It’s easy to glance at Tuesday’s popular vote — which, with 92 percent of all precincts reporting, shows Hillary Clinton with six million fewer votes than Barack Obama won in 2012 – and reach the conclusion that Clinton lost the White House because she failed to turn out the Democratic base. But the truth is much more complicated. While she underperformed relative to Obama’s 2012 totals in several Midwestern states — Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin — Clinton ran virtually even with Obama in the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada, and New Hampshire. What’s more, she far surpassed Obama’s 2012 vote total in Florida, the country’s biggest swing state. Yet somehow, while Obama carried Florida, Clinton lost it.  Which brings us to an important question: Was Donald Trump just good enough to beat a bad Democratic opponent on Tuesday, or does he deserve far more credit? Could he, for instance, have competed with the vaunted Obama machine? The answer, somewhat shockingly, is yes. A review of vote totals in the past two elections reveals that Trump 2016 would have defeated Obama 2012 in the electoral college. (Disclaimer: This obviously is an apples-to-oranges exercise because no two elections are the same, nor are any two electorates. Still, unlike debating whether the 2016 Cubs would defeat the 1927 Yankees, this is not an entirely abstract argument; a comparison of their respective performances in the country’s most competitive states shows Trump edging Obama in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup.) The math might seem impossible. After all, Obama won nearly 66 million votes in 2012; Trump is currently at 59.5 million and should finish around 60 million, which will actually be one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney won. How, then, could Trump have topped Obama in the electoral college? The answer: Republican turnout lagged in certain parts of the country but shot through the roof in the nation’s most critical battleground states. Let’s look at them individually, in descending order by population, and do the electoral-vote math. The 2016 totals aren’t yet final because not all precincts have reported. FLORIDA — 29 EVs — 98 percent reporting Obama 2012: 4,235,270 Clinton 2016: 4,485,745   Romney 2012: 4,162,081 Trump 2016: 4,605,515 Conclusion: Trump beats Obama by some 370,000 votes and wins Florida. (Note: Clinton herself won 250,000 more votes in Florida than Obama did in 2012.)   PENNSYLVANIA — 20 EVs — 97 percent reporting Obama 2012: 2,907,448 Clinton 2016: 2,844,705   Romney 2012: 2,619,583 Trump 2016: 2,912,941   Conclusion: Trump squeezes past Obama by a margin of some 5,000 votes and wins Pennsylvania. (Note: Clinton runs about 60,000 votes behind Obama, but would’ve had more than enough to defeat Romney in 2012.)   OHIO — 18 EVs – 94 percent reporting Obama 2012: 2,697,260 Clinton 2016: 2,317,001   Romney 2012: 2,593,779 Trump 2016: 2,771,984   Conclusion: Trump edges Obama by roughly 75,000 votes and wins Ohio. (Note: Clinton’s worst battleground state showing was Ohio, winning 380,000 [!] fewer votes than Obama.)   Stop right there and crunch the numbers: Florida (29) + Pennsylvania (20) + Ohio (18) = 67 EVs. Romney finished with 206 EVs. By protecting all of those, and then taking 67 from Obama, Trump would hit 273 and win the presidency.  The question: Did Trump 2016 defeat Obama 2012 in all of the states Romney won? Yes. Here’s a look at the competitive ones: – NORTH CAROLINA (98 percent reporting): Trump 2,339,603 … Obama 2,178,388 – ARIZONA (73 percent reporting): Trump 947,284 … Obama 930,669 – GEORGIA (93 percent reporting): Trump 2,068,623 … Obama 1,761,761 – UTAH (78 percent reporting): Trump 360,634 … Obama 229,463 A review of the Romney 2012 states confirms that Trump, in this hypothetical matchup, would have carried every single one against Obama. It doesn’t matter that Obama would have trounced Trump by nearly 300,000 votes in Michigan; by more than 200,000 in Wisconsin; by 175,000 in Virginia; and by 160,000 in Colorado. It’s similarly meaningless that Obama would have narrowly defeated Trump in Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire. The 44th president carried all of those states in 2012, and in this hypothetical contest, he would successfully defend all of them. But it wouldn’t be enough. The electoral college would produce a razor-thin margin: Trump 273, Obama 265. Again, this is an apples-to-oranges exercise. It’s impossible to know how the Obama campaign might have targeted certain voters in a contest against Trump, or whether Trump would have the same success in the three big battleground states against a more formidable opponent. But that’s not the point here; the point is that it’s not entirely fair to blame Clinton for depressing Democratic turnout when she ran even with him in five of the country’s most competitive states and ahead of him in a sixth, Florida, the single biggest swing state — and still lost the electoral college.
Donald Trump's presidential campaign brought together Americans of all kinds who were tired of identity politics and political correctness.
Protesters burned U.S. flags at American University in D.C. to protest Donald Trump's election as president.
Last night, CNN analyst Van Jones got quite emotional, claiming Trump's win represented something he called a "whitelash."
They may even build their own wall!