
She even called out Robby Mook, Clinton's Campaign manager as being gay and supporting Hillary knowing her track record with these governments killing gays


EDWARD SNOWDEN has demonstrated how easy it is to hack into an electronic voting machine still used in several states where voters go to the polls today. He showed his 2.4 million Twitter followers…


A Final Plea to Never-Trumpers - Dennis Prager: It is very hard to publicly affirm a position for .11/08/2016 10:57:39AM EST.


"Yesterday, at the hospital in Germany where I work,we had a meeting about how the influx of muslim immigrants from the middle eas...


WikiLeaks has published tens of thousands of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's emails. This is what The Daily Caller believes are the most important findings from them. They expose a corrupt


An election eve poll finds sweeping support for immigration enforcement even among most Hispanics in the United States, potentially bolstering Donald Trump's presidential bid. The Pulse Opinion Research survey found that 51 percent of Hispanics believe that there has been too little done to enforce immigration laws. What's more, by a margin of 49 percent to 36 percent, Hispanics support a policy causing illegal immigrants to return home by enforcing the law. Overall, the survey done for the Center for Immigration Studies, found that most Americans, 54 percent, believe that the administration has done too little to enforce immigration laws and 56 percent support returning illegals. Immigration has been a huge issue in the election and most pundits have reasoned that Trump's call for enforcement and construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border has pushed Hispanics into Hillary Rodham Clinton's camp.


A wall that will tower more than 12 feet is being built in Munich after locals raised fears young refugees would be moving into the area.


In order to promote and engage in a much-needed dialogue on the #BlackLivesMatter movement, College Republicans at University of California, Santa Barbara se...


Clinton has signaled she may not go ahead with the nomination of Merrick Garland; senior judicial analyst explains on 'The Kelly File'


When the networks call it for Hillary Clinton on election evening I’ll bask in relief for six seconds or so. Then I’ll shift to raw anger: How could a ...


Donald Trump just picked up two endorsements that may help him tremendously in the state of New Hampshire.


Four days before the US presidential election, white supremacists gathered for a rally in Pennsylvania. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.co...


Maine voters are about to have their say on an experiment that could change the face of democracy in America — and the world.


Hillary Clinton Ad’s Final Argument: It’s Not About Me


Of the many scandals uncovered in the WikiLeaks dumps, don’t neglect the outing of various media figures — not only as biased, but underhanded and just plain lazy. The latest leaks show reporters f…


Check out what times polls open and close in your state on Election Day.


It’s not just the presidency that’s at stake in the election — but also bragging rights for two prognosticators that are almost always right. This year, one of them is absolutely certain Donald Tru…


On November 8, every gun owner and Second Amendment supporter in America needs to vote as if your guns depend on it -- because they do.


The Republican candidate announced he had received the high-profile endorsements at an election-eve rally in New Hampshire Monday night.


The war drums can be heard even over the clamor of the 2016 presidential election campaign. NATO is gathering a hastily prepared force of 300,000 soldiers to confront Russia. Tensions continue to rise in Syria as American and Russian forces engage only miles apart, backing opposite sides in the continuing civil war. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and [?]


Let Trump take over your FB/Twitter on Election Day to show we WILL #MAGA


Voters in Dixville Notch, Hart’s Location, and Millsfield cast ballots early Tuesday.