Jobs, families, incomes, and experience all sour the public on big government.
In the controversy surrounding that National Enquirer story alleging that Ted Cruz had extramarital affairs, plot either thickened or thinned Wednesday after...
Well this is rich. Harbinger of truth Dan Rather, the disgraced former CBS Evening News anchor was on MSNBC’s Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Tuesday actually agreeing with President Obama’s critique of the media. Asked to comment on Obama’s statements, Rather blamed the major networks for not doing enough hard-hitting, investigative reporting that he said “we particularly need in this presidential election.”
Four early appointees say they'd scrap a convention rule that helps Trump.
CBS reports: JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – The Mississippi House wants to allow the state prisons to execute prisoners using a firing squad if officials decide lethal injection is too expensive or unavailable. Governor Phil Bryant voiced his support of the bill. “If the senate passes a firing squad bill, I’ll certainly sign it. My belief is we need to carry out a capital punishment that when the courts say that it’s necessary; and if it takes a firing squad we’ll do exactly that,” said Governor Bryant. Good for the Mississippi House. Not, of course, because I approve of the death penalty (I don’t), but because the arguments made against the use of firing squads are almost always either cowardly or cynical. When coming from pro-death-penalty types, they’re cowardly because they tend to be made by people who want the state to kill people but who don’t want to see what death looks like. That, after all, is what lethal injection is: A way of medicalizing executions so that those who endorse them do not have to face their violence. Coming from anti-death-penalty types, the rejection of firing squads tends to be made as part of an attempt to destroy capital punishment by undemocratic means. The real reason that many anti-death penalty campaigners are against alternative killing methods is that they’ve been fighting hard to get rid of the drugs that are necessary for lethal injections and they don’t want to see their efforts undermined by men with rifles. I am against the death penalty, but if we’re going to have it we should be honest about what we’re doing. If Mississippi is prepared to kill people who have erred beyond penal redemption, it should be prepared to do so without euphemism. Clearly, it is. That’s honest, at least.
It looks as though Hillary Clinton is giving up on Wisconsin, conceding it to rival Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, as she hunkers down in New York to prepare for a battle there.
Much of the left appears to operate under the assumption that they are entitled to behave however they wish and be immune from consequences. They posit that they have a
"Don't look for me because you won't be able to retrieve me if you tried," woman told family in note about plans to join ISIS
The Trump protester who punched an old man is actually 19 years old according to police not a 15 year old girl as originally reported.
The Library of Congress will no longer use the words "illegal" and "alien" to describe undocumented immigrants after Dartmouth College students petitioned for the change, the group said Wednesday.
Actually, this is no surprise at all. These cases against anyone right of center seem to always be drummed up and prosecuted by Democrats. I've seen the vide
President Barack Obama on Monday lashed out at U.S. reporters for failing to "dig deeper and to demand more" from the current crop of presidential candidates. Members of the press quickly bit back at the leader of the "most transparent" administration in U.S. history.
Donald Trump faces feisty MSNBC interviewer Chris Matthews in a Town Hall that will stream live Wednesday evening — in an interview that has already caused y...
After the governor’s endorsement of Ted Cruz the Republican frontrunner said Walker had failed to tackle a $2.2bn deficit and ‘the schools were going begging’
As this primary campaign unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear with each passing day that Donald Trump is the worst possible choice for the Republican nomination. He’s ignorant about policy. He likes big government. He scorns individual liberty when it threatens his power. He’s boorish. He’s nasty. He’s intellectual lazy.  But he will end political correctness.
Before Florida Senator Marco Rubio withdrew his White House bid, it seemed like there were three remaining candidates for the...
The main impact of the National Enquirer?s story accusing Ted Cruz of multiplied martial infidelities likely hasn?t yet been felt. Like a magma dome building under a volcano, it?s…
Could a crack in Donald Trump's airtight national media strategy be emerging? There are reasons to believe the continuing story of Michelle Fields, the Breitbart News reporter who was forcibly grabbed by Trump's campaign manager earlier this month, is doing harm to one of the GOP frontrunner's best assets: his ability to control the narrative about himself and his campaign. Earlier this month, Fields was covering a Trump campaign press conference at his resort in Jupiter, Florida. As she was attempting to ask the candidate a question as he exited the room, Fields and an eyewitness, Washington Post reporter Ben Terris, claimed Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbed her by the arm and tried to pull her to the ground. Several still and video shots of the alleged incident seemed to corroborate Fields's story, but Lewandowski and Trump simultaneously denied the incident happened, claimed she may have been grabbed by a different person, and/or argued that the alleged assault was harmless and routine.
Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016. /u/nicholas-silvera
Yikes....WTAE 'has ended their relationship' with Wendy Bell after 18 years at the station over he
Poll: Cruz Up 10 in Wisconsin, Sanders Edges Clinton
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES I hope any Republican who has thoughts of endorsing or backing Donald Trump if he wins the nomination has been watching the news today to get a sense of what their life will be like trying to defend Trump while he’s on the campaign trail. Mostly, it will involve answering a lot of embarrassing questions about whether they support | Read More »
Some of Donald Trump’s allies in the conservative media have softened their support.