If you have ever wanted to read a politically-correct primer on how the liberal media works, look no further than this helpful how-to straight from the horse’s mouth: the Huffington Post. Senior media editor Gabriel Arana explained in the article, “5 Ways Journalists Can Avoid Islamophobia in Their Coverage,” that 1. Journalists shouldn’t provide opposing points of view when covering Islam; 2. Journalists shouldn’t use the word “Islam” when talking about terror; and 3. All journalists should have a “close” Muslim friend to make sure their reporting is friendly to the faith.
A post-debate poll
Rand: Christie is 'Someone Who Would Shut Down a Bridge Because They Don't Like Their Friends'
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Poverty is down, literacy is up, and life expectancy is rising.

Dr. Rand Paul on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Watch and RETWEET my exchange with Donald Trump on internet freedom>> https://t.co/iEdapB3r4a”
During Tuesday's Republican presidential debate, the Washington Post's Matea Gold tweeted this bleak picture of a debate watch party for Jeb Bush in his home state of Florida: Source sends pic of scene at Jeb Miami debate-watching party: pic.twitter.com/RsZJpEVSuq— Matea Gold (@mateagold) December 16, 2015 In October, The Weekly Standard's own Jonathan Last declared Jeb's campaign dead.
The simmering rivalry between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz spilled into the open Tuesday night during the final Republican presidential debate of the year.
After the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, the media are going out of their way to avoid talking about President Obama's track record.
via Screenshot Sen. Rand Paul — who barely limped into the debate — used his time to make a pointed attack on Donald Trump and his supporters. Paul, responding to Trump’s comments saying he would close parts of the Internet, said: Is Donald Trump a serious candidate?… If you’re going to close...
Cruz appeared to rule out a path to citizenship during the debate.
Sen. Ted Cruz went after Republicans and Hillary Clinton during Tuesday's GOP debate for supporting toppling secular dictators in the Middle East, arguing that it has resulted in the growth ISIS. Cruz argued that if the U.S. were to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, that ISIS would take over in the region, following in the lead of what took place Libya and Iraq. Cruz also said that Republicans who supported such measures have gotten distracted from keeping the country safe. I believe in an America first foreign policy, Cruz said. Far too often, President Obama and Hillary Clinton, and unfortunately, more than a few Republicans have gotten distracted from the central focus of keeping this country safe. The Texas senator proceeded to pan the Obama and Clinton-led effort to topple Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, which some GOP senators supported. Cruz called the situation in the North African nation is a terrorist war zone run by jihadists, adding that the same situation took place in Egypt when Hosni Mubarak was overthrown and replaced by Muhammad Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) cracked a brief laugh at 2016 rival Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) as the Florida senator delivered a "very clear" rebuttal to him during a debate on the NSA's bulk collection of phone records. Cruz contended that the USA Freedom Act, which he supported, “ended the...
Curious to see who spoke the most in Tuesday night's GOP debate? So were we. NPR kept track of how long every candidate spoke - interruptions and all - during the debate.

Bernie Sanders on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch.”
Tonight Face Off: Round 2 Prime Time: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, George Bush, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Rand Paul. 20...
Rubio tells POTUS what he thinks of his failing counter terror strategy.
Paul doesn't like Christie's hawkish rhetoric.
Trump: I'm Not Going to Be Doing a Third Party, No Matter What'
Donald Trump has claimed in an interview on Fox News Sunday that Hillary Clinton “killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity” during her tenure as Secretary of State. When asked to defend his accusation, Mr Trump said: “The Middle East is a total disaster under her… look at Iraq, total disaster. They didn’t get us in – but they got us out, badly…”
An intelligence community review has re-affirmed that two classified emails were indeed “top secret” when they hit Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal server despite a challenge to that designation by the State Department, according to two sources familiar with the review.
The Washington Post on Tuesday hailed the new “social conscience” of shock jock Howard Stern. This, of course, means the radio star has become more outspokenly liberal. In a story by Libby Copeland, the journalist charted Stern’s changes over the last 20 years. 