Glenn Beck and Johnnie Moore have successfully evacuated their first group of Iraqi Christian refugees into Slovakia.
In Portsmouth, Trump said he'd mandate the death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer.

Dc Metro

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

D'Souza gets accosted by a freshman, and a reasonably intelligent one, with a pair of questions about white privilege and Islamic militancy arising as a reac...
Ohio Representative Jim Jordan became frustrated by the lack of answers from DHS official, Kelli Burriesci during a House hearing on Thursday, December 11, 2...
Anonymous directs its latest campaign against the Republican presidential candidate for his comments about Muslims. But Trump could prove a tough target for online activists to hurt.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi argued on Friday that the San Bernardino terrorist attack demonstrates the need for increased gun control.
Larry Kudlow explains why, as an immigration reformer, he has taken a hardline shift toward sealed borders.
Left Targets Trump By Finding Nutty Supporters. OK, So Let's Meet Some Obama and Hillary Supporters
“Silent Night” has new meaning to a Louisiana church after they were issued criminal sanctions because their worship services exceeded 60 decibels
Top DHS Screening Official Unable To Provide Stats On Refugees (December 10, 2015)
Deeply divided Republicans could use a vision to unite them, political analysts say. Speaker Paul Ryan has said he is going to attempt to do it.
A member of the North Carolina House of Representatives told state troopers he should not get a ticket for a seat belt violation during a recent traffic stop.
We understand that you've been a victim of sexual abuse. Congratulations! You are hereby ordered...
Late Friday afternoon, the campaign for Democrat Sylvester Turner sheepishly announced the endorsement of his candidacy by President Barack Obama after an email was leaked earlier in the day.

It’s Too Easy for Terrorists

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Matt Mayer writes about the need for better security measures in the Visa Waiver Program.
The media has seized upon comments made by Justice Scalia like a hungry bulldog on a femur smothered with barbecue sauce because they know that it’ll make conservatives look racist. But they&…
Fake Syrian passports aren’t exactly a dime a dozen, but they can be had for as little as $200, according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security that could call into question the ability to screen Middle East refugees fleeing to the West.
Ribble says Trump behaves like a "sixth-grader" and appeals to "the worst parts of who we are as people."
The public's support for Donald Trump makes a lot of sense, psychologists say.
Via the GWPF - Paris Climate Poker On A Knife-Edge £2.3 Trillion: Rich Countries’ Bill For Climate Deal Britain and other rich countries face demands for $3.5 trillion (£2.3 trillion) in payments t...
New photos obtained by Fox News appear to challenge Bowe Bergdahl's claim that he abandoned post in 2009 to draw attention to leadership problems in the Army, according to a former platoon mate who served with the Idaho native in Afghanistan.
More Than 100 Million Guns Sold Since Election of Presdent Obama
Under today's prevailing wage rules, H-1B workers can be paid well less than half that amount in some U.S. regions.