Cruz tells the Kuhner Report that, after he's elected President, he'd appoint current primary competitor Donald Trump to build the wall.
How has this not happened before now?
Paul also slammed the media for prioritizing gun control over details of the shooting in their coverage.
Rand Paul blasted the Daily News for its cover on the San Bernardino, California, mass shooting.
TORONTO — Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of democracy, but a recent court case in Canada has set a dangerous precedent for the future of the concept. Str...
On Tuesday, President Obama stunned Americans and French alike with his false claims about gun violence in America. I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” claimed Obama. It is a claim that he has continually repeated over the years.
As the holiday gathering got underway Wednesday morning, Syed Rizwan Farook joined dozens of his colleagues from San Bernardino County's public health department. Farook, an inspector, seemed quiet during the early hours of the event, then vanished just as a group photo was about to be taken.
The following headline was first made public here at D.C. Whispers several weeks ago: Republican Establishment Prepares For Trump’s Demise – Enter Marco Rubio Stage Left… Some scoffed at the suggestion Mr Rubio would ever be a serious contender in the GOP presidential race. They?re not scoffing anymore?
Yik Yak post: 'People around the world are looking at Hamilton, and we look like a joke.'
MANASSAS, Va. — Donald Trump is planning a trip to Israel that would include a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he told supporters at a rally here on Wednesday. “Very soon...
FBI: Background Checks Surged to New Record on Black Friday
Sharp falls in oil prices have had a devastating impact on Venezuela's economy, and healthcare system, as Tim Franks reports.
The top 5 nations in the world for mass shootings all have one thing in common...
Just like with the Major Nidal shooting, it sounds like multiculturalism and political correctness might have led to the slaughter of Americans because someone was scared to be called a “raci…
As the media speculation continues surrounding Donald Trump‘s claims that he supposedly saw “thousands” of Muslim Americans cheering in New Jersey streets, C...
Barack Obama says that it's possible yesterday's attack in California where two people killed 14 and injured 17 others was terrorist related.
the President of the European Parliament (EP) said that Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of persecuted Christians.
Congressional Republicans were poised Thursday to notch the grandaddy of all conservative wins — passage of a bill that would deliver a “mortal wound” to Obamacare.
San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook was in touch over the phone and via social media with terrorism subjects and was apparently radicalized, officials say.
Rep. Chris Gibson is rounding up fellow Republicans to support a climate resolution -- and hoping for a meaningful agreement out of Paris.
If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times … Hillary Clinton told the media not just once but several times that her secret e-mail server did not transmit or store sensitive or classified information. The Clinton e-mail story broke in March when The New York Times provided the first public notice that the former Secretary of State had exclusively used a personal server for her electronic communications rather than an official and secured government e-mail system – a fact that only came to light through a congressional investigation into the sacking of our consulate in Benghazi. For four years, the State Department had told Congress and federal courts reviewing FOIA petitions that Secretary Clinton had sent no e-mails responsive to their demands, thanks to the subterfuge of Clinton’s system and the obstruction of legitimate oversight that it produced.
By Alexandra Ulmer and Diego Oré CARACAS (Reuters) - Polarized Venezuela heads to the polls this weekend with a punishing recession forecast to rock the ruling Socialists and propel an optimistic opposition to its first legislative majority in 16 years. Founded by the late Hugo Chavez, the Socialists' long mighty "Chavismo" movement is facing public ire over shortages of goods from medicines to milk and the world's worst inflation under his successor, President Nicolas Maduro. Defeat for "Chavismo" at Sunday's vote would give the opposition a major platform to combat Maduro and deal a further blow to Latin America's left after Argentina swung to the right in last month's presidential election won by Mauricio Macri.
The unnamed officer made the pledge to cowering workers as he led them through the under-siege Inland Regional Center while while there were concerns the gunmen could be inside.
Just when the liberal media’s extrapolations concerning the motives of the San Bernardino gunman couldn’t grow any more jaw-dropping, an expert appearing during the 11:00 p.m. Eastern hour of CNN Tonight predicted late Wednesday that the office holiday party where the shooting occurred “may have been offensive” to the Muslim gunman.
Will Baldwin-Pask argues that the debate surrounding gender equality can exclude men from something that they should, and need to be a part of