Not in Brazil, where three women have defied deeply conservative trends in Congress and wider traditional mores by celebrating a polyamorous civil union. The happy trio, who reportedly have shared a bed for years and say they want to raise a child, took an oath of love in early October in the presence of Rio de Janeiro notary public Fernanda de Freitas Leitao.
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979.
Two days after the 9/11/2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, the United States embassy in Tripoli, Libya, was warning the State Department via email not to conflate the Innocence of Muslims YouTube video with the attacks.The email, released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday, was sent by a Tripoli embassy official to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staffers in Washington, D.C., at 6:43 a.m. on September 14, 2012.That is the day Clinton declared at the transfer of remains ceremony, “We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.”It was two days before Susan Rice appeared on  five Sunday talk shows to blame the violence in Benghazi on the video.Here, via the Select Committee on Benghazi, is the full email with appropriate redactions:Colleagues, I mentioned to this morning, and want to share with all of you, our view at Embassy Tripoli that we must be cautious in our local messaging with regard to the inflammatory film trailer, adapting it to Libyan conditions.Our monitoring of the Libyan media and conversations with Libyans suggest that the films not as explosive of an issue here as it appears to be in other countries in the region. The overwhelming majority of the FB comments and tweets we’ve received from Libyans since the Ambassador’s death have expressed deep sympathy, sorrow, and regret. They have expressed anger at the attackers, and emphasized that this attack does not represent Libyans or Islam. Relatively few have even mentioned the inflammatory video.So if we post messaging about the video specifically, we may draw unwanted attention to it. And it is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence. It is our opinion that in our messaging, we want to distinguish, not conflate, the events in other countries with this well-planned attack by militant extremists. I have discussed this with and he shares PAS’s view.Select committee spokesman Matt Wolking said the email was referenced in the hearing last week and was released publicly for the first time on Saturday.Via Fox News:“This email shows that State Department staff privately raised serious concerns about conflating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi with a video,” he also said in a statement, “even as the secretary of state and other Obama administration officials continued to do so publicly.”Wolking also argued that a former CIA chief said intelligence analysts never said the video was a factor.“So while Secretary Clinton may use the ‘fog of war’ as a convenient excuse for why she said one thing in private and something else in public, the reality is that’s just another smokescreen,” Wolking said.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
The CNBC executive who oversaw the disastrous Republican presidential debate is a former Clinton White House staffer, Breitbart News has learned.
Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer has decided to throw his financial weight behind the donor-class 2016 favorite, Marco Rubio.
"I must have forgotten..."
Dorothy Bland, dean of the journalism school at the University of North Texas, is used to taking a walk at daybreak. But rain delayed her exercise regimen until later Saturday morning when she began traversing the streets of her well-to-do Corinth neighborhood. But soon "flashing lights and...
Yet whether these figures go up or down, law-and-order types have framed the debate in a way that vindicates them.
Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials were apparently warned by overseas U.S. diplomats about blaming the 2012 Benghazi terror strikes on an “inflammatory” Internet video, according to an email release Saturday by House Republicans probing the fatal attacks.
A St. Louis prosecutor covered-up for a St. Louis Metropolitan cop who brutally beat a handcuffed suspect and shoved a gun down his throat, chipping a tooth, resulting in the prosecutor?s conviction. It?s a rare federal criminal conviction of a prosecuting attorney; a charge of misrprision of felony, which requires active steps to cover up a felony. Bliss Barber Worrell, ?
As the situation in Afghanistan becomes ever more chaotic, an increasing number of Afghans are heading towards Europe. But as one family's story shows, the trip often ends in tragedy.

Bernie Board Game...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
In 2008 Jennifer Jorgensen of Suffolk County was convicted of manslaughter after she crashed her car and lost her baby. ...
Democrats are renown for their supernatural power to raise the dead. And while they've typically reserved such dark magic for use at the polling stations on election day it only stands to reason that, eventually, the administration might find other uses for the nation's deceased: After all, those Obamacare enrollment numbers have been rather low.  Yes, an audit revealed that through the New York State of Health (NYSOH) exchange, hundreds from “the other side” were enrolled in Medicaid. 
The left is brave. So brave that they chose a sacred text to blaspheme they knew wouldn't get them killed here on Earth by those who adhere to its word -- The Holy Bible. Saturday Night Live alum Mike O'Brien asked Hollywood leading lady Scarlett Johansson to appear on his new comedy album and read passages from Deuteronomy -- ones he considered to be the most "misogynistic" -- in her sexiest voice. The track is titled Sexy Bible, and O'Brien says he was "thrilled" the actress agreed to his demands (Warning: some language):  
GOP can harness the anger of the electorate by not letting the CNBC Debate crisis go to waste
FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailAnother tranche of Hillary’s State Department emails were released on Friday, and while all the “journalists” just guffawed at all the charming ways in w…
Bill Maher railed against "the PC police" and the "lazy liberalism" they practice by being offended over Halloween costumes
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus declared that CNBC "betrayed" both the RNC and the candidates

Fall of the House of Bush

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Is this the final chapter of the fraught sibling rivalry between Jeb and W.?
The 2016 Republican presidential candidates have had enough with the Republican National Committee. Following ...
Don't judge yesteryear's cooking by today's standards.
Once allies in Florida, the two are vying for the same voters in the GOP presidential race.