The Trump Bump isn't About Sticking it to the Establishment. This is a very interesting, scary, but still opportunity rich phenomenon.
Tom Perkins is now calling his vote to oust Fiorina "a mistake."
If you want a good idea of how much water the media is willing to carry for Planned Parenthood, go ahead and check out this Politico story. It seems Planned Parenthood commissioned a 'forensic report' to analyze the undercover videos that have got the organization in trouble for harvesting and selling fetal organs, and leaked it to Politico.
The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement. The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded astroturf movement bent on destruction. ...
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — People living in the United States illegally have a constitutional right to bear arms but are still barred from doing so by a separate law, a
Obama, Clinton Push Unconstitutional, Anti-Gun Agenda Immediately Following Virginia Murders
Texas Supreme Court Smacks Down Lawless Lesbian Mayor… Again!
GOP Leaders Urge Senators To Ignore Voters' Worries About Migrants, Trade and immigration.
In the new book Scandinavian Unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism, academic Nima Sanandaji, Ph.D., makes an iron-clad case showing that the Nordic nations' relative success predates the welfare state and that socialism didn't lead to Scandanavia's success, but rather its back-pedaling. by Alex Newman
The bromance between two competitors blossoms
A new report says a UN carbon offset scheme is plagued by questionable credits and may have incentivized emitting more.
In South Carolina, where the candidate is discovering surprising levels of support, the state party is requiring a signature as a condition of running in the primary.
The rally in Washington, D.C. is tentatively set for September 9.
Senator Rand Paul stopped in Boise as part of his Western tour to rally support and attract voters in a red-dominated state that is likely to have its pick o...
For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer.
At a news conference, Mexican journalist Jorge Ramos confronted Donald Trump, heckling the candidate and eventually being expelled from the room. Ezra Levant...
Author Gabriel Sherman went on with Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV Thursday. Sherman wrote The Loudest Voice in the Room ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), also a GOP candidate, are joining forces to do "something very big over the next two weeks in Washington." Speaking to reporters following a campaign rally in South Carolina, Trump said the event...
We're all familiar with today's enemies of freedom: Third Wave feminists, social justice warriors and the perpetually offended. We often call these enemies o...
Charlie Daniels’ open letter to Congress: You’re a ‘bunch of sold-out, jaded, burned-out hacks’The Devil Went Down to Georgia” hit-maker Charlie Daniels post...
Democrats’ election outreach efforts to veterans may need to start with a refresher course on what U.S. troops look like.
Off-Campus Tomfoolery Should Not Be Regulated By Overzealous Administrators
Ten ways ordinary people should think about propaganda and mass delusion in order to resist its adverse influences on us and on those with whom we interact.
The reasons behind the Virginia shootings? It's the guns of course, and the guns are worse than terrorists.