
Ted Cruz Reminds America: Rubio, Walker and Bush All Supported Amnesty


CNN's Chris Cuomo on Friday fretted that a new report on ISIS and its rape culture would reinforce negative perceptions of Muslims. The New Day anchor talked to Dr. Qanta Ahmed, an author and human rights advocate. Reacting to a front page story on the New York Times, Cuomo played a clip of a woman recounting brutal violence at the hands of ISIS. He then lectured, "This feeds the impression that these Muslims are animals, savages and their faith makes them that way. And it feeds an impression of what Islam is. What is your response to that?"


Hillary Clinton came in second, with Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in a virtual tie for third place.


In 1820, you had a 94 percent chance of being in extreme poverty. Today it's 14 percent.


In the interest of full disclosure I am going to admit to something that, despite my best efforts to keep under wraps some of my more astute readers may have discerned – my choice...


In a new exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker walked through his plan to secure the U.S. border.


Gore started to trend on Twitter after reports of the talks emerged.


ABC, NBC and CBS are doing their best keep the public from seeing abortion for what it really is: the ripping apart of little baby bodies.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Since the release of the first Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video July 14 exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby parts, the three broadcast networks have spent [?]


Prof. Antony Davies empirically examines the question of whether or not markets are exploitive. In his analysis, he finds that trade is positively correlated...


Appeals court to hear net neutrality case in December


By Patrick J. Buchanan
In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump refused to commit to support whomever the Republican Party nominates in 2016.
Trump would be wise to maintain his freedom of action.
For there is a plot afoot in The Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries begin.
"A political party has a right to ... secure its borders," asserts the Post's George Will, "a duty to exclude interlopers." Will wants The Donald "excommunicated" and locked out of all GOP debates until he kneels and takes a loyalty oath to the nominee. Read more on Buchanan.Org...


Professional pig wrestlers with Confederate flags may face assault charges after attacking animal rights activists at the Utah County Fair on Wednesday. Acco...


At the new U.S. embassy in Cuba, John Kerry encouraged the Castro brothers to join the fight against climate change.


The Clinton email cover up keeps unraveling, thanks to the courts, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz appeals to crowd for money and prayers


The party hopes she'll bring back the women he is scaring away.


The senator from Florida and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination writes that his foreign policy "would restore the post-1945 bipartisan presidential tradition of a strong and engaged America while adjusting it to meet the new realities of a globalized world."


Editor’s Note: Explicit Content Below. ABC, NBC and CBS are doing their best keep the public from seeing abortion for what it really is: the ripping apart of little baby bodies. Since the release of the first Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video July 14 exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby parts, the three broadcast networks have spent only 1 minute and 13 seconds playing CMP video footage with audio. That’s 1 minute, 13 seconds out of 243 hours and 30 minutes of morning and evening news shows.


The Republican candidates must understand that generalized denunciations of the evils of the ACA are not going to be enough in 2016.


An anaysis of each candidate's current standing in the 2016 primaries.


Health insurers across the country are seeking premium increases of 20% to 40% or more, writes Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, which focuses on market-based health reform.


Media are erroneously reporting that it's Hillary Clinton's server -- as opposed to Clinton herself -- that's being investigated.


Remove the bluster, and the main way Mr. Trump stands out on economic and social policy is being to the left of the rest of the G.O.P. field.


Chuck Todd: Clintons "could've done this 6 months ago."