From TheHill: Secretary of State John Kerry told "CBS Evening News" anchor Scott Pelley that “it is very likely” China and Russia are reading his emails — and that he drafts his correspondences acc...
Anger in conservative politics is generally an overhyped phenomenon. When Republicans win at the ballot box, it's supposedly all about anger. Conservatives like a talk radio host? It's about anger. If Republicans complain about some debacle Obama is involved in, it has to be all about anger.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says Chattanooga unfortunately has joined a group of U.S. cities that have been the victims of what he called radical Islamic terrorism.

Five Myths About Article Five

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The constitutional boundaries separating the three federal branches and setting outer limits on their power are barely visible anymore. Many Americans are turning toward Article Five of the Constitution as the only way to restore those boundaries. It provides a way for states to propose constitutional amendments to...
This morning Ted Cruz released a new video ad that promises to prosecute and defund Planned Parenthood, also telling people to join him in Iowa for his Rally for Religious Liberty on August 21st. L...
Dr. Carr said that he was actually “using the term to describe White privilege, or the benefit of whiteness in race-oriented modern society.”
The #BlackLivesMatter mob shut down Interstate 70 in St. Louis today. Breaking: #BlackLivesMatter mob shuts down Interstate 70 in St. ...
Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, and for the people of Ferguson, it was a day worth celebrating. They had themselves a grand old time, rioting

In California, the president of Planned Parenthood is defending her organization and denying any involved in illegal activity. In an interview on KPIX 5, Heather Saunders Estes said, “What we do is legal and ethical and we’re proud of it. These videos are not about tissue donation, these videos are to draw your attention to [?]


Newsweek on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Opinion: It's time to haul down another flag of racist hate http://t.co/YJK0xWpbC4”
The Big Three broadcast evening newscasts tonight ignored a new audit showing that the government may have paid out subsidies to ObamaCare purchasers who were not eligible for them.

The Truth About Bernie Sanders

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

MP3 Download: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3046/the-truth-about-bernie-sanders Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. S...
The candidate's lawyer calls the six debate plan "entirely unprecedented” and “legally problematic.”
In the liberal universe, there's no correlation between hard work or ingenuity and financial success.  As President Obama recently put it, the rich are simply "society's lottery winners."   Sounding a similar theme, Al Sharpton today declared it "astounding" that Rand Paul believes that income inequality is due to "some people working harder."  Astounding, indeed!  What's wrong with Rand?  How could he possibly believe that someone who works, say, 60 hours per week might earn more than someone else who works 20?
This coincides with an NBC poll showing Cruz surging to second place overall," the campaign notes.
Cops are taking photos with handcuffed Civil Rights leaders in Ferguson
China devalued the yuan in a move that rippled through global markets, as policy makers stepped up efforts to support exporters and boost the role of market pricing in Asia’s largest economy.
The totalitarian Left is ready to enact their agenda. Hillary Clinton’s energy plan is right in line with the rest of it.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday that bans the word "alien" from the state's labor laws.
Back in January, I wrote about how we should not expect substantial changes to Cuba's communist political system despite the "thaw" in relations between it and America. Dissidents in Cuba know this is true, and events this past weekend prove it. John Kerry's scheduled to visit the island on this Friday brought protesters to the streets of Havana on Sunday. Among them were the Ladies | Read More »
With every windy pronouncement, the cacophony cops look weaker and sillier.
Carly Fiorina: If John Boehner, Mitch McConnell Don’t Produce ‘They Need to Step Aside’
Black Lives Matter Protester: GOP Will Flatly Tell You They Don't Care About Black Lives
Hillary Clinton Takes Megyn Kelly's Side Against Donald Trump
Trump, however, still leads the Republican field with 17 percent support, if the election were held today.